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Status Updates posted by NiaRod

  1. Hey mbk Yvon,

    Thks banget replynya, iya nich urus K1 Visa. Nd kayaknya butuh banyak informasi. Saya lihat mbk Yvon udah klar semua jadi bisa minta Saran nd advice nya

  2. Hey Reni thks for u reply,

    Udah aku add di Fb tlg di accept, Ren... Bener nich km beralih ke spouse visa. Tapi kan K1 visa km masih dlm proses ? By the way... Kpn marriagenya....

  3. Hey Reni, sorry telat bales....

    FB page aku Niarod Valentine, tp kayaknya aku bs add FB kamu kan Ren soalnya punya aku sorry terkunci... Kalo boleh aku yg add kamu dulu ok..

    Kamu proses K1 or CR-1 visa? Anyway nice to get ur message, tc and good night.

  4. Hey there, I show on timeline that u got already NOA1, that's good. Now starting to wait patiently for NOA2.

    We are too same, still waiting for an NOA2 approval. Hope soon... Cos for us it's almost 6 months. Well hv a nice day.

  5. Hi Agneta,....

    Kalo frustasi tak temenin dech..,aku lebih parah. Kamu Ngk usah mikirin police clearance. Tapi aku malah Tambah ribet. Ngurus hk PC yg mana paspor aku bukan nama asliku waktu aku di sana. Bayangin deh Agnetta apa aku Ngk depresi, aku Hanya bisa berdoa smg segala urusan kita di mudahan, and cepet dapat NOA2.... Kasih info ya Agnetta kalo tahu solosi masalahku. Thks

  6. Hi Agnetta kabar baikkah? Sampe mana process nya......

    Kami masih nunggu NOA2, hope soon...

  7. Hi agnetta,

    Gmn kbr.... Seneng ketemu Kamu di sini....

  8. Hi Da&Di,

    Salam kenal ya, ini saya Nia. Saya masih nunggu Noa2. Kamu juga proses K1 visa dulunya kan? Bisa share dong, apa Aja sich yg di tanyakan dlm interview. Nervous banget... Nd thanks infonya tentang indo beauty journey. Hope u having great time....

  9. Hi Lexy and Ary....

    Congratulation for both of u. Finally u got an noa2. I am happy for u two. Btw may I ask u did u do an expedite or did u do contacted ur congressmen Senator? Cos we are still waiting for our noa2.

    Btw good luck on ur next step...

    Thank you, Nia

  10. Hi Liddy, makasih atas supportnya ya....

    Doain semoga selanjutnya saya. And tetap keep in touch ok....

    Walau pun kamu Udah approve duluan... Tetap bagi2 info ya...

  11. Hi liddy,

    Iya nich kita applynya bln 7, nd dpt NOA1 bln 8 tgl 2. Terhitung 5 bln lewat. Ini yg bikin aku stress liddy, biasanya California butuh waktu 5 bln. Yach mungkin kmrin Ada Xmas nd new year holiday kali, jd agak pending. Rod tinggal di Nevada dkt las vegas. Calon Kamu tinggal di mana liddy.... Anyway keep praying liddy, semoga case kita lancar nd cepet approve. Thks liddy, hv a nic...

  12. Hi Liddy.... Finally u got approval.

    I am happy for u. Congrats..... And I hope the next will be mine

  13. Hi liddy....

    Gimana kbrnya, aku msh nunggu Noa2. Ngk tahu nich kok lama banget.

    Gimana dengan kamu.....

  14. Hi mamichou,

    Thanks for ur message. Yeahh we are still waiting for NOA2. I heard that is take about 5 months. Just keep praying nd waiting now, cause its really make me stressing. Hey, may I know wht ur case? Have a good day...

  15. Hi Robert & Nanan, how are you there... Hope all doing good with u both.

    I just wondering when I see on ur timeline that u already got an noa2 is it?

    Btw congrats i am happy for you two, but how do u get approval so quickly, while I waited so long over 8 months......

  16. Hi Sunny&Arashi,

    Hope you two doing good. Thanks for u adding me as ur friends. What going on with ur process. We are still waiting for Noa2. Hope it will coming soon ya... Hv a great time.

  17. Hi Susi&Charlie,

    Hope you two are doing well, I see from your timeline dates are close with us. Here we are still waiting for Noa2. How about you there.....

  18. Congrats for u, we got approvals in same date.

    1. sweepy


      Tq niarod....

  19. Congrats! U got an NOA2 only in about 1 months.....

  20. Congratulation Rena nd Andy, hope we will get NOA2 approval too soon. Hey Rena may I know how long u waiting for your NOA2 approval? Thks nd good luck

  21. Finally we got our noa2...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. MoniTa85


      Congratulations Nia, I am so happy for you!

    3. Hunnie


      Im so happy for you!

    4. Hunnie


      Im so happy for you!

  22. Hallo, Gimana kabarnya...... Semua baek kan? Gmn journeynya, Udah dapat NOA1 Nya blom....... Moga ngk trauma lagi ya. Don't lose hope never give up... Ok..!!!!!

  23. Hey mamichou, glad to got ur message. Yeahhh we didn't receive NOA2 yet... Still waiting. I heard its take about 5 months. How about u? May I know wht u case? Hv a nice day...

  24. Hey Mbak Hannah Salam kenal....

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