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Posts posted by lauraandehsanm

  1. 1 - 4 years older is not much of a gap and it will not raise any red flags.

    3 - Your second husband coming to US might be a red flag (You probably had to send in an Affidavit of Support for him). Even divorced, if he is still in America and still on that Green Card, you could be bound to that support agreement. I am not sure about it though. There are more experienced people around here who might be able to give you a more accurate answer.

    4. With your husband to be having worked for US military, his nationality should not be a problem.

    Thank you for your reply! I hope someone will know about #2) If me being divorced will be a problem since I did do an affidavit of support for him. He has since gotten his 10 green card (after we divorced he hired a lawyer to pursue the process)

  2. Four years is not a large gap, that would not be a reason for denial. Being married more than once and having an ex from out of the country is a reason for them to scrutinize the case closely, but if you prove the relationship is legit they shouldn't deny you. As for being Afghan I can't say much because I don't know the approval rate on that country.

    Best thing to do is have as much evidence as is possible and be prepared for questioning, unless your future husband has a record, I don't think they will deny you solely on what info you've supplied here.

    Best of luck to you both!

    Thanks so much for your reply! Thank goodness he has no record. Actually it's the opposite! He worked as a translator with the US military for two years while in Afghanistan :) And the one who will be his co-sponsor for the visa is a high ranking retired military officer whom he worked with :) (not sure if that will help or not!)

  3. My fiance and I will be getting married in October, and then pursuing a CR1 Visa. I am nervous that we will be red flagged for many reasons, and it makes me sad because our relationship is genuine :(. Reason 1) I am 4 years older than him. Reason 2) I have been married twice before (no children) (if they would let me explain the previous marriages I am sure they would understand why I got divorced!). Reason 3) I brought my second husband to America using a Marriage Visa (DCF) However we were divorced before the two year period to lift the conditions of his green card.(let's just say he went crazy once he was in america, not the way a married man should). And Reason 4) My fiance is Afghan, and not sure if just his nationality alone will send up red flags :(. We are both muslim and both very devout in our religion and realize marriage is not a joke. He has never been married before. I am embarrassed of two failed marriages, but what is past is past and I can not change it. :unsure:

  4. Looking for information. Has anyone gotten married in Malaysia? My fiance and I will be marrying in October. He is an Afghan citizen but has been residing in Malaysia for 2 years as a student. I am a USC. We are both Muslim. I have contacted every government institution I can find, and after a month, only one has replied with a generic response of for non muslim marriages. Then it has a link for muslim marriages but the site is in another language. I am just trying to get prepared but we are running into road blocks :(:help:

  5. Will be applying for a CR-1 visa. How many certified copies total of my divorce decree will I need? (those things take time to get!) I know I have to submit it with the I-130 Pack, but do they give it back? Or do I need to get another one? Also, do I need it to get the affidavit of marriage when we go to the embassy before we can have our marriage ceremony? :help:

  6. Hello,

    I will be marrying my fiance in Malaysia on October 16th. After that we will begin our visa process. But I am a little confused as to what we need to do. I am not sure if we should get a lawyer. He is an Afghan citizen who has been living and studying in Malaysia since 2010. Not sure if we need to go through the embassy in Malaysia or Afghanistan? And what will he need from Afghanistan? Feeling overwhelmed and so is he :(

    Also I am sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I wasn't sure where to place it.

    Thank you for any help!!

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