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Posts posted by Theobromine

  1. Mitexi, did your police check ahead of time? How long did it take for the consulate to notify you that it had been received? Because that's the last thing that my fiance is waiting for before sending off Packet 3. He's concerned because it's already been two weeks since he did the police check and he hasn't heard anything, and according to your timeline, it was only 12 days between when you received Packet 3 and when you sent it off to the consulate.

    And yes, I included my own I-134 form as well as my dad's. I think everything should be in order, we're just waiting for the ding dang police check.

  2. Wow, thanks for the info, that's great to know! I'm REALLY hoping my fiance gets the police check results soon and can send Packet 3 off soon, argh! But I'm glad to hear that it shouldn't take them too long to get back to us after that. That is a huge relief.

    I've also got another question while I'm at it, so if any of you might know the answer to this....

    So I moved back to the US in March (I'd been living in Aus for three years doing my degree, but my visa finally expired) and was looking for a job for months and months but having no luck. So when we got Packet 3 and I was still unemployed, I had my dad fill out an I-134 as a co-sponsor, and we sent all that off ASAP. I didn't have a tax return or any recent employment info as I'd been studying and living abroad and not making any taxable income (I felt really crummy, but what can you do). I also wrote out a statement explaining the situation, just to make it as clear as possible. However, about a week after I sent all the affidavit forms and supporting documents to my fiance, I actually got a job (!!). Now, it's a full-time benefited position, and it will be enough to support both of us but it's not a very lucrative position (yeah, zookeepers don't make that much money). Anyway, I was just wondering if I should write out and send a new statement, along with my official offer letter stating what my pay and benefits will be, for my fiance to include in the packet. I still think he should include the supplemental affidavit from my dad (as my dad makes bank so I think it will show pretty strong financial support), but also let them know that now I have my own source of income so we won't just be relying on other people. So what all do you think we should include in the packet? Should I just write an addendum to my previous statement, or just a whole new one that he can replace the old one with? The old one was signed and mailed along with the affidavits, but I'd probably have to just email the new one as I don't want to have to wait another couple of weeks.

    Sorry if none of this makes sense, I'm tired and bleary.

  3. Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone can tell me what the time frame is like with regards to getting my fiance's interview scheduled. We received Packet 3 on July 26th and have been gathering all our paperwork and everything. He's done his medical, I send him my affidavit of support, and he's just waiting for the police check results before sending all the Packet 3 info back to the consulate. I am just hoping I can get an idea of about how long it will take them to schedule his interview for. We're both going kind of batty here with all the waiting :(

    Also...I know my fiance is really worried and stressed about the interview. I don't think we have anything to worry about, but he still worries, he keeps showing me statistics that say that 1500 K-1 petitions (worldwide) were denied in 2009. Argh. He's also worried that they might deny him because he doesn't have his bachelor's degree or professional qualifications and they'll consider him unemployable. However, he's very intelligent and hardworking and can prove he's held the same job for the past 5 years, and other jobs for at least 5 years prior to that. I think he'll actually have a better time of it than I did when I moved back here. I have a master's degree now, but my field is really hard to break into and though everyone kept telling me to just get a retail job in the meantime and I TRIED, no retail jobs would hire me with my advanced degree :-/ So I think he won't have as much trouble finding work while he decides whether or not to pursue higher education. Anyway, we can definitely prove that we have a legit relationship, he's smart enough not to screw up the paperwork, etc. But if anyone can offer me some reassurances that I could pass on to him, that would be fantastic.


  4. Hi everyone, I'm really hoping someone can help me. My Australian fiance and I filed our K-1 petition back in February and it got approved on July 6. Just the other day I got an email from the embassy/consulate in Sydney with the packet containing information on the next bits of the process. My fiance is very on the ball and has already scheduled his police check and medical and filled out all his paperwork. However, I am still stuck on the affidavit of support form and I am really hoping I can get this figured out ASAP so I can send him my forms.

    I read all through the "tips on the affidavit of support" page that I found in the Guides section of this site. However, I am still really confused about how to fill it out if you're using a co-sponsor and I couldn't find any examples. My situation is that I moved back to the US from Australia a few months ago (I lived there for three years while doing my master's degree). I've been searching for a job like crazy ever since I got back (well, even before I came back actually) but have had no luck so far. Therefore I have nothing to put down in the employer/income sections of the I-134 form. I've asked my dad if he would be willing to be a co-sponsor for me and he agreed, but he got really frustrated when he looked at the I-134 form and the instructions for it because it just really doesn't explain anything as well as it should. Maybe I'm just being dense, but I'm really paranoid about filling something out wrong.

    I've asked my fiance to see if he can figure it out but he says he just keeps finding a bunch of conflicting information online, which was pretty much my experience as well. My dad just wants me to tell him what to do. I'm just feeling overwhelmed. I already feel terrible enough that I'm unemployed...I really had no clue how bad the economy was here until I actually got back, but being unemployed and applying unsuccessfully for SO many jobs and thus being unable to support my fiance MYSELF has just really been taking its toll on me. I've FINALLY just had a couple of good phone interviews in the past week (and one of them has led to an in-person interview this Wednesday, which I am flying out for), so my luck MAY be finally turning around. I was sort of wondering if I should wait a week or two and see if I get a job offer from either of the places I interviewed with, because I know they will at least let me know soon, but I also don't want to delay the visa/paperwork process any more than I absolutely have to. Also, even if I did get a new job in the next week or two, I don't know if that would allow me to file the affidavit of support myself or not.

    Anyway...if anyone can help me out here, it would be SO much appreciated. Thank you!!

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