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Status Updates posted by julieta32

  1. Gracias mil por la recomendacion mi amiga. Nos vemos pronto

  2. Gracias mil por la recomendacion mi amiga. Nos vemos pronto

  3. quick question Mayi, did you get something on the mail form NVC letting you know when the package was sent to Cuba? and if they did how long did it take for them to notify Omar to pick the package?

  4. Thank you! im so excited that I was able to call and make the interview that soon. Your fiancee is having the interview two days before my birthday. I wish him good luck!

  5. We got APPROVED!!!!!!

    1. perez525


      OMG JULIET!!! felidades querida!!! ayer estuve en un entrenamiento y no te pude llamar. pero hoy mismo lo hare. me alegro muchiiisiisiimo por ustedes de verdad que si. les deseo lo mejor del mundo!! AHora cuando viene Tomy???

  6. Yeap, I couldn't even believe how fast I got my approval. I submitted my papers thru an Attorney, that might be it, not sure. :)

  7. Yeap, I couldn't even believe how fast I got my approval. I submitted my papers thru an Attorney, that might be it, not sure. :)

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