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Posts posted by syeda1120

  1. After 1 year and 12 days of starting this process for my husbands visa he finally got approved today. After his interview he was put on AP and I was heart broken to think I would have to make one more trip back to the States without him but Alhamdulillah his AP was only for 10 days and 4 of those days the Embassy was closed for Eid holiday. Thanks you to everyone that helped me and answered all my questions. :dance:

  2. walikum asalam ssb1987

    basically DOS sees updates on their screens even tho they say they dont have so much but unless they actually see that the visa has been printed its just a guess from them but if she said this its possible that they see all the checks in and cleared but have her call back to see if she gets the same answer from someone else. It sounds positive tho.. sounds good for you!

    My daughter is ok thank you for asking.. i had a meeting with her school to prepare for her return as the dr has cleared her now for returning to school. She will have some precautions to take but we are praying that it will be a good transition for her.

    Good luck to you

    More than anyone I praying that you get some good news soon. You're very strong to be able to handle all this at the same time. My prayers are with and you family. May Allah bring you family together soon.

  3. I was just informed of our appointment date... now i am caught up in a bit of a predicament. If I should be present for the interview? does it make a difference? would it help? would it work against us? Thing is I had planned that she would have gotten her visa already and I also wanted to accompany my grandparents back to Pakistan who are going back a day before. I would really like to travel with her back to pakistan. If so how long do you guys think the visa process would take? If she is approved at the interview.

    I would check with the Embassy if you can be there with her and if you can then I would say yes be there. I emailed the Embassy in Dhaka and they said yes so I went with my husband. The CO just a few questions and looked at our wedding pics. I think it helped to see us together and that we're actually a couple. Plus it was good support for my husband for me to be there. Having to wait for hours all by yourself I'm sure isn't a good feeling at all. Good luck to both of you. May Allah make this process easy for you and bless you with the result you have been waiting for.

  4. I think you post is something everyone feels but can't put into worlds. And for those what are starting out a realistic view of what might be ahead of them. My husband had his interview on the Aug 13th and my worse fear came true and he ended up on AP. Just getting to the interview look us about 1 year. During this year everything was done right on our part but yet we were stopped and questioned for through out this whole process for silly things. Our I-130 took 7 months to get approved then NVC took over a month to get us a case number and NVC would send us emails saying they didn't get certain paperwork but then when I would call then they would say "Oh, sorry we have that ". So when we got to the interview I thought at least this point things should work out for my favour. But I was wrong...my husband ended up on AP. I know that this process is for the countries best but just having a Muslim make should be the determining factor. On top of that just to say "you case is pending" when you call or send emails. I feel at least we deserve to know at what point our case is at. I know we just started out AP journey and I should have more of a positive outlook and I'm trying to be positive but the thought of making one more trip back home to America without my husband is heart breaking. I just feel the the 1st couple of married life which should to the must beautiful time has been put on hold and we don't know when this well end. Thanks for the great post. I have a better understanding up what to expect and what steps I should take.

  5. I've been trying to read other peoples experience so I know what's a head of us. My husband is hopeful it won't be too long since the last thing the CO said was " We'll call you in a few days so you can pick up your passport with visa on it" Let's how long these "few days" actually are.

  6. Thanks so much and knowing that your AP was for such a short time makes me feel better. Yup! it is very common that's why we went ready for it. I was waiting with a few other USC wives who I think took it harder than I did. I just hope it's not too long. The CO told him he should get a call in a few days. So that gives me hope it won't be too long.

  7. My husband has his interview at the U.S. Embassy tomorrow in Dhaka. I'm planning to attend with him. I emailed the embassy and they said it was fine so I printed out that email and have my passport ready. We made a shadow file of all the paperwork that we sent to USCIS and NVC.

    1)Copies of birth and marriage certificate.

    2)Copies of the Nikah in English and Bangla.

    3)Copies of AOS with 3 years of tax return from both me and my dad (co-sponsor)

    4) more than 500 pics

    5) my wedding invite

    6) copies of out fb convo from b4 and after the wedding. I used phone cards to call him so I don't have phone logs

    7) Copy of PCC

    My husband was in London for a few years doing his LLB we didn't send in his PCC from UK to NVC but we have it now so should we mention it to them or show it if they ask? I was thinking to mention it to them to show that he was a good citizen in another country as well. Is there anything I'm missing and any last min advise for us? I was really freaking out about AP a few weeks ago but I feel more confident now but mentally ready if it doesn't go the way we're praying for.

  8. My father co-sponsored with me and he filled out I-864 and checked the box that say he is the only co-sponsor. If both parents are part of the same household and only one of their income meets the guideline and that should be fine. We had a lawyer look at out paperwork for AOS before sending it and he said since both my parents are part of the household and my dad's income more more than enough then only one co-sponsor is ok.

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