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Posts posted by MichaelCandice

  1. Hello All

    I had my interview today at 9am in Charlotte, NC. We arrived at the building at 8:10am, did all the security checks, then led to a waiting room where the guard told us to wait until our number is called.

    We took our 19month active son with us. So we were chasing after him the entire time we were waiting. We waited for about 20 minutes before our number was called.

    The IO walked us into his office, introduced himself then swore us in.

    The first question he asked was if our child was both of ours. We said yes and he asked for the baby's birth certificate. After we gave it to him, he asked us for anything else we wanted to add to our file. I gave him a couple of stuff, leases, bank stuff, insurances etc...and i swear he never even looked at anything. He was more occupied with talking to my husband about the navy and some movie...I was too busy keeping my son from ruining his office.

    Then i asked him if he at least wanted to see my pics. He said "OK" with a long sigh. Went through all the pics and discovered that we lived in South Korea for a while and started talking about his life when he was living there too.

    Then asked me 5 questions...have i ever committed any crime blah blah...gave my husband back his passport. Took my I94 and stamped a temporary green card in passport. I was like WHAAAAAAATTTTT....he said don't worry you will receive your card in 2 weeks.

    Then he told me that i was going to receive a 10 year green card since my husband and I are married for more than 2 years....he also asked us why we took so long to apply AOS....we explained that we lived in various countries after we got married and never felt the need to.

    He explained that i can apply for citizenship after 3 years and other stuff related to that, and lastly thanked us for being so organized.

    That was it...25 minutes in total...and alot of chit chat...

    Thank You Lord its over...

  2. hey folks

    I did my interview on Tuesday sept 18 and was approved on the spot! it was 9.45am appointment, we reached about 10 min before due to unexpected traffic, anyway we went through security checkpoints, take off shoe, belt etc, gave in our appointment letter and ID, they checked it and gave it back to us, sent us to a waiting room, where we waited about 20 min before we got called in, i was hoping a female would call us but instead it was a stern looking man, but i started to feel at ease when he saw my pregnant stomach, and started making jokes, that he scared of pregnant ladies, because one nearly had baby in his office, lol, the interview was very short and easy, lasted about 10min, he swore us in and looked me dead in the eyes, he didnt even look at hubby, then he took the i94, and also asked for the EAD but i told him i didnt receive it as yet, he asked me back the same questions on the i485, such as address, my name, DOB, my mothers name etc, as a matter of fact he didnt even ask question he read what was on the form just to verify the info, then he asked the yes/no questions, he did the same thing with hubby from his i130 form, he also asked hubby about what he did for a living, and he asked me if i worked also, only other question he asked was how long have we been together, he then ask for evidence, we gave him the lease, life insurance and bank account statements, rent receipts, thats all we had, he took them and put them on the file then he told us that he was gonna approve us, we were so happy i almost screamed, then he saw our albums and said let me look at a few pics, he just barely glanced through and gave it back to us, i doubt if he saw anything, he explained the ROC process, and that was it! we packed our stuff up and he escorted us out of his office, as soon as we were out of his sight me and hubby start jumping up and down like we were kids, lol, our journey has finally ended for now, after all the stress and worries, its really a nerve racking process

    Thanks to visa journey and its members who have helped me along the way, i have gotten a lot of info from this site along with reading instructions, we didnt even used a lawyer, we did all the paperworks ourselves, we did a few free consultations with a couple lawyers but we realised that all they were going to do was to fill out the forms and send them off, something me and hubby could do ourselves for free! thanks again guys, and i will continue to offer my assistance on here.


    We will be in that same office in less than a month!

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