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    K-1 Visa
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    Vermont Service Center
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    I was on Tagged just passing away time. He sent me a friend request and I accepted it. But he never said anything to me. I would view his profile from time to time but wouldnt say anything to him because I was already in a long distance relationship with someone else I had met there. I was drawn to his profile picture and would view it daily. I even showed it to a cousin who is also in a relationship with someone from Ja. She said, "wow he is a cutie". I was intrigued by this man and I didnt know just why. About a month later, after having an argument with my then boyfriend, I was online just killing time and Wayne messaged me. We began a conversation and we agreed to take it to yahoo. I so enjoyed talking with him. He was a breath of fresh air. I told him about my relationship and he said that it was ok, he was content with being my friend even if he really wants more. We began chatting daily and we even exchanged phone numbers. I found myself chatting with him more than my then boyfriend. When I was having problems with my boyfriend, Wayne would always have good positive advice. Then one night as I was telling him of my problems, he just blurted out, "I would have you for my wife any day. You are my friend and I love you. So will you be my wife?" I was speechless but I couldnt accept. I had made plans to visit my boyfriend for the first time in Jamaica. But the day before my departure I received a phone call from a woman saying, " The man you are coming for is mine". I couldnt believe it but then she called me later from his phone. I was devastated. I had been making plans with this man for 7 months. But he confirmed it. I called Wayne and he told me that it would be alright. He told me not to waste my vacation. He said that if I came, he would be there for me as a friend only...no sex. So I took that journey along with my cousin who was visiting her man. Wayne was true to his word. But the friendship blossomed into romance from the moment that I saw him face to face. I was there almost two weeks and we were inseparable. I visited him again for his birthday in October and he introduced me to his children. I visited again in November for his father's funeral. He proposed again and I said yes. I filed the I129F application in December. I visited again in January for my birthday and he proposed again with a ring. I have visited several times since then. Its hard but I know he is worth the sacrifice. We talk at least twice daily. His mom is here visiting now. I cant wait for him to get here....AND IT ENDED...BUT I AM STILL HAPPY...LOL...HAPPIER THAN I HAVE EVER BEEN IN MY LIFE

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  1. Thanks for the add!! Wishing you the best on this journey!

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