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Status Updates posted by Ryan&Rain


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tintin and Mike
    3. Ryan&Rain


      Thank you everyone!! good luck too!

    4. stevo222


      Congrats to you two! I'm sure you are in the "Yahoo!" stage, like us!

  2. Woohoo! Good luck on your interview!! Stev and Ying!!

  3. DONE!!! Interview date is SEP 5,2012. YEAH!!!

    1. stevo222


      Congrats! If that is the date in your interview e-mail, that is actually your document intake day, and the interview is the next morning. We will still be there for our interview day on your doc intake day.

    2. Ryan&Rain


      really? it has time though? even for documet intake?

    3. stevo222


      Your first day, if your interview time is like ours, it's for 12:30. They will take her documents then, and tell her to return the next morning at 7:30 AM. So when you are outside waiting in line to get in for document intake on the 5th, I will be also outside waiting for Ying, my sweetie, to come out from the interview!

  4. Process is running fast and smooth!!

    1. stevo222


      Wow, 9 days from NOA2 to left NVC, congrats!

    2. Ryan&Rain


      I just called the DOS, they told me the P3 is sent :)

  5. Can you believe my fiancé is my classmate back in elementary school and we have been together since 5th or 6th grade?

  6. Good luck on your journey!

  7. Well. Our timeline is pretty closed to each other. We might see each other in the consulate! Hahaha

  8. Good luck on your interview.

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