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Posts posted by gmillerro

  1. Legea romana permite dubla cetatenie, cea spaniola nu o permite. In consecinta:
    1. Conform legii romane, cat timp nu ati cerut renuntarea la cetatenia romana Ministerului de Justitie din Romania, sunteti cetatean roman.
    2. Este permisa in Romania detinerea a doua cetatenii.
    3. Puteti sa lucrati cu actele romanesti.
    4. Avand doua cetatenii nu puteti lucra in structurile de siguranta romane.

  2. I have the same problem.In order to get a new passport with my new name I have to register the marriage in Romania. I can do this if I go to the Consulate in New York/Washington DC or I can do this in Romania. You cannot do anything online.

    The process is the same like in Bosnia. We also need the Apostille.

    It's very complicated and expensive. So I decided that I will wait until I get my american citizenship to go home(5 years) and register the marriage and get a new passport in Romania.

    You can go home with your green card and the old passport if it's still valid and the plane ticket should match the name is the passport.

    Good luck!

    Hi there,

    So my situation is identical except the location and timing (I married an American citizen so I'll be up for my Naturalization after 3 year's marriage) .The difference is that my Romanian passport will expire soon so just A little before that I will be able to apply for the Naturalization. Do I need a valid Romanian passport for the Naturalization?

    Thank you!


  3. To determine your 90-day early filing date, begin by identifying your 3-year date as a permanent resident. For example, if the date on your Permanent Resident Card says “February 5, 2013,” you meet the 3 year permanent resident requirement on “February 5, 2016.” If you have met all other eligibility requirements, you may file your completed Form N-400 90 days before “February 5, 2016.” The earliest date you may apply for naturalization would be “November 6, 2015.”

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