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Posts posted by fancygirl

  1. Hi, I suggest you meet in Turkey. It's a great place. Istanbul is a fabulous city, been there twice and can not wait to go back again. Plus it's romantic there. To answer another of your questions the life here is very difficult culturally for Iranians I think. Jobs are also difficult to find. It has been very hard for my husband. The life in Iran is good, it not what you read in the papers. I live in Colorado where the economy is good. My husband has a degree in computer engineering and has not been able to find good work. Very discouraging. Good luck on the rest of your journey. If you like travel Turkey will not disappoint.

  2. Congrats!! My husband is Iranian and we are 30 yrs different in age. I have children older then him. We haven't gotten as far as you have in the process, we haven't removed conditions yet but we also sailed through the process. We got a bit hasseled during the AOS but got throught it. He was only in AP for 3 weeks after his interview. The age thing may have been a red flag but we had know each other a long time so it was easy to answer any questions that came our way. By the way I love your house! Very cute. I hope the two of you have a wonderful and happy life there.

  3. They don't care that much about utility bills. What they want to see is mingling of finances. Both names on bank accounts. Bank statements showing you using debit cards, credit cards from joint accounts. They actually wanted to see the cards. Bring cards showing you are on your spouses medical insurance. Bring lots of pictures of wedding or wedding party and other activities you have done together. They love it if there are also family members in some of the pictures. Have some close friends and family members write a letter about your relationship and have them noterized. Don't forget any of the paper work they are going to request like you origional birth certificate. Have you spouse bring their passport also. These interviews can be tough.

  4. Hi Cheryl, I personally would wait until he at least got his green card to leave the country. Even with the travel permit they don't need to let you back. I'd save that for emergencys. Once your start your AOS it does not take that long. We are going to Spain this fall and Mazi just got back from California to get his passport stamped with a visa to Spain. It was not a big problem. Just the usual money thing. And a few weeks wait for the passport to be sent back. He has had a Schangen (sp) visa once before. Also I think you can go to Mexico with the green card, you don't need a special visa. It is so hard to wait and wait. If you plan a trip give yourselves plenty of time for him to get his visa to that country. Send me an e-mail and tell me how things are. Send wedding pic's


  5. your in administrative processing. All Iranians are put in AP. I was very surpised for us it was only 3 wks. For some it is a little longer. If you have an uncommon name it can go faster. Did they tell you to watch for your number on the website? They won't notify you. When you number appears you can go and give them you passport and it will take 3 to 7 days to have them put the stamp on it. Be prepared for the longer stay.

  6. Yes, all your info that you have met in person, pictures of the two of you together in different cloths and locations. Boarding passes and hotel recepts etc. Evidence of a bonified relationship. Copies of the things you sent the first time. A timeline of the relationship is always nice. I made a small photo album of our trip together on snapfish. Something easy to flip through. The interview is all about establishing that you are in a real relationship.

  7. My husband and I have a 30 yr age differenc me being the older one. It was never brought up for the K1. We are getting ready for his AOS and I am a bit nervous. We did not have a big wedding. We had a nice marriage party at our house. Because this whole process, including several trips to Turkey and the attorney etc cost over $10,000.00 . We did not want to waste money on something that just was not important to us. We have a nice trip to Spain planned with my brother next year. That is how we like to spend our money but the USCIS may see it different.

  8. We are going through the same thing. My husband took the test passed it and had an unexpired i 94, had his ss#, they would not give him the license and said he needed a letter saying he was adjusting his status. So we started the adjustment of status, got the letter in the mail and went back, took the test again and then they said No he could not have the license because his i94 expired. We said the AOS letter extents his legal status in the US for a year. Now they say he needs the EAD or the green card or a letter from the USCIS which we have been trying to get. What a run around. He does have an international licence and I called the State Patrol and they said he could drive with that and I did get insurance for him so that is what we are doing now. What a run around!!

  9. My fiance, now husband is from Iran and is much, much younger then me. We had no problems getting the Visa. I made one trip to Turkey to meet each other. I made another trip to spend time together as this process is so long but we already had approval and we were on AP. We knew each other a long time on the internet, over 4 yrs but I am not Muslim. We had lots of evidence and were very organized. We used an attorney service, not the expensive ones, just to fill out all the papers correctly. They guarenteed us a visa or our money back. He is here now and I am a bit worried about the AOS but I was worried about the K1 also and we had no problems. So it is just one step at a time. By the way ,they did not ask on question about age at the interview.

    Good luck

  10. My fiance is 30 yrs younger them me. And he is Iranian. We got approved for a K1 but we had tons of evidence and a long history of knowing each other. We had a chat history dating back to 2008. We met of course in person prior to wanting to marry. I think our biggest problem will be the interview here in the states for the AOS. We spent so much money getting this far, two overseas trips, airline ticket from Iran to US. Money for an attorney to make sure all papers were filled out correctly,etc. We are not having a wedding. Maybe later in the summer we will have a marriage party for friends and family. We would rather take a trip somewhere. This whole process costs over $10,000 if you count the trips to Turkey , hotels and meals. I just hope they understant this.

  11. On the I-129F petition you got to choose what embassy it got sent too.

    On the I-130 petition however you do not get that opition unless the benecificiary is living in the united states. SEE QUESTION 22 PART B

    My question is my wife lives in Iran and since there is no US embassy in Iran, how can I choose what embassy her case gets sent to?

    The embassy's that process Iranian immigrant visas are Ankara(Turkey), Abu Dhabi (UAE), Naples (Italy), Frankfurt (Germany), and Vienna.

    travel Visas to Italy, Germany, and Vienna are hard to get with Iranian passports, so I was hoping I could select either the Ankara (doesn't require visa) or Dhabi Embassy (very easy to get one).

    Should I just request it on a seperate paper and include it with the petition? Or should I right it in the Question 22 Part B?

    I think all K1 visa's go through Ankara. Your said wife but on you little profile it says K1 ??

  12. Hi, Just to let you know I, the women, US citizen is 30 yrs older then my fiance. I was very worried about the age thing because it is very uncommon for older women, younger man. In his interveiw they never addressed it. He was approved fairly easy. He had to do administrative processing but he got his visa this week and will be here in US in March. Just take lots of photos when you are together and save everything like his travel documents, hotel recepts, to prove you have met in person. We had a chat history documented from 2008,tons of e-mails and phone calls. Save everything!! We also used a attorny, a firm that just helps with K1 type visas. Half the battle is having everything done correctly the first time. But now the second part of our the journey starts and I do not think it will be that easy for the AOS and I know the age thing will surely come up. But we are both adults and can live anyway we want. We just have to prove that we are in a legitment relationship.

  13. Fiancée has relatives or friends in the U.S. who seem to be taking too large a role in match-making - He was introduced by my uncle who is his close friend at work.

    Couple hasn’t spent enough time together in person- When he came here, we were only friends, or has the so-called Mutual understanding then I realized I am starting to love him each day of his short vacation in May, We were introduced sometime in April, First week. So we've been talking on Skype right before he decided to travel half way across the world just to meet me.

    Very large age difference between the couple- he is 27 years older than me to be exact, I didn't know til I realized I am so in love with this man. It didn't bother me at all since he looks so charming and looks good to me.First time I saw him, I liked him and realized why not give me a chance to know him more

    Can you guys help me see the real picture of our love story? I know its real, but of course the CO wouldn't really know how exactly how it feels. I am bothered with all this stuffs I saw on other internet websites where it says the three things I listed above are RED FLAGS?

    I have seen some who got same story and got approved. but of course I also know that it is a case to case basis.


  14. Oh my goodness all these kind replies! Thank you so much - I truly do appreciate your taking the time to respond. No, at the moment I do not have access to transportation - my husband has this huge, old, classic Lexus which he adores and I would never be allowed to drive it. He works in the city and when he has driven me there I have been cringing at the amount of traffic. Although I have lived in London, I never drove there either but I am fine in quiet roads in suburban areas or country roads. Surprisingly enough, there are no local buses either - just the little yellow school buses. It seems that everything is geared to transportation - volunteering (because I would have to get there), shopping, exploring, joining clubs. Yes I could go into the City with my husband and be there from early morning until late at night but, and I know this must sound pathetic, I would be far too scared to be there for so long by myself with my feeling so lacking in confidence at the moment. So it seems like I will have to acquire a car, somehow and maybe pay a driving instructor to take me around until I get used to the roads. In the meantime, folks, I might just watch another episode of Homeland or American Horror Story but at least I will do so knowing people care enough to write to me and give me support. Thanks again!

    How long have you been here? I am surprised he does not get you a little car to toodle around in, be able to go to the grocery store or library. Join some kind of women's group. You need to have this discussion with him. If the tables were turned he would be going crazy!

  15. Just for some information. I am the USC who petitioned for an Iranian man. Everything went very smoothly for us. I was worried because I am much older then him and I thought it would be a red flag. His interview was in Ankara and his AP was finished in less then 4 weeks. He is free to come whenever he is ready. The most important thing is to be very organized. We used an attorny in New York, I live in Colorado. They basiclly make sure all the paper are filled out correctly. Make sure you have lots of evidence. The fact that you have met his family is great. I would get a letter from her family. We did not have anything like that. Just pictures from our trip to Turkey, passport stamps, hotel receipts and three years of chat history, e-mails and internet phone calls (free). Step one is just filling out the forms and providing evidence. That takes about 5-6 months for approval. We had an interview scheduled for Jan 16th. I bought tickets to meet him there for support, you can not go to the interview, and then they changed it to Oct 18 with less then a weeks notice. We were afraid that we were not prepared for everything they can ask. Plus you have to be there two days for the medical exam. I did not go. It went really well, commented on his organization, never mentioned the age thing, asked what work he did in Iran. That was it. I think it will be even easier for a women. A very short AP compared to a man.

    Good luck. It just takes time, a lot of time and that is the hard part. We have been at this almost a year and he is not here yet. And everything has gone smoothly for us. Just make sure you do all the forms correctly, check them again and again against the instructions on the Web sites. Concider getting one the agencys to do it for you. We used Joel Turney. That is all they do, help fill out the forms and make sure you have everything you need. Money well spent.

    P.S. I am not Muslim

  16. If you suspect anything is wrong I suggest you contact the American services department of the embassy. Direct the email to the duty officer asking them to assist you. They will not do any work on the visa itself but they will help you figure out if something is wrong with the email you question.

    You could also ask the embassy to give him an interview date closer to what was expected even if they had tried to give him one sooner. You are also correct in thinking there may be A P after the interview. This happens in many of these cases in that part of the world and can take many months.

  17. My Fiance's interview for the K1 Visa was for January 16, 2013. That was a ways away but we were happy to have an interview. I bought airline tickets to join him in Ankara even though I can not go to the interview. Because this is all taking so long it was just nice to spend some time together.Make a little vacation out of it. He also bought his tickets from Iran to Ankara as the price of the dollar is changing minute by minute. On Thursday I get a one line e-mail stating the interview is being changed to Oct 18th. One week away!!The e-mail looked so unofficial that I called my attorney to check and see if it was real as they say you can not call the embassy. I sent a e-mail on Thursday to them and still have heard nothing. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I could almost be happy about it except of the lost money and the fact that based on the interview dates my fiance made a job commitment that he feels obligated to finish. Of course he is going. More money spent on new airline tickets, of course the ones we have are non refundable/transferable and more hotel reservations and I can not go and so more time until we see each other. There will be advanced processing. I just was wondering if this is something that happens often to put you off guard. I could see a week or so change but 3 months? Your thoughts

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