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Lala land

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Posts posted by Lala land

  1. I had a meeting with my attorney this morning, I have 2 options.

    Re-filing my AOS and start the process all over again. So I won't be out of status and at least have an EAD card.

    File for motion to re-open and Reconsider, which can take 6 to 12 months. But I'll be out of status, which means, can't work, can't drive etc.

    They didn't put me in removal proceedings so I can't file for a waiver or see a judge.

    What would you do??? My lawyer is giving me a week to think about what I want to do with my case.

  2. The IO knew about this arrest, I even brought in my court ordered documents stating that the case has been dismissed, they never include the reason why a case has been dismissed. She never asked for the arrest record. The arrest report is not in my favor, because the officer wrote down a whole different story.

    This is what happened before the arrest and this is the statement the IO wrote down.

    My friend at the time was on her way to our hotelroom after visiting some family members, I was waiting in our room for her to come back. She calls me on the phone and tells me that there was a male friend waiting for her in the lobby and if I could let him in the room.

    I wasn't comfortable doing that and I told her, she convinced me to let him in because she knew him for a long time.

    So I let him in, we were talking and 4 minutes later I hear loud banging on the door, I freaked out off course. After I found out it was the Police I opened the door and they told me that I was under arrest for soliciting Pros.

    It was the most embarressing and horrifying experience. They didn't give me a chance to explain myself, they arrested me and took me to jail :-(

    They apparently didn't have enough evidence to charge me with Pros. so they dismissed the case.

    Later I came to find out that my friend was an escort and that was suppossed be a client and not a friend. I felt so betrayed!!

    So if I file a Motion to Reconsider what extra documents should I provide, should I include a letter explaining the whole situation again?? I really don't think it's a good idea to include the arrest report..

  3. Hi there,

    I need some advice on what to do next, I would appreciate it if you can leave the nasty rude comments out, please don't judge.

    My AOS has been denied on June 27, I finally received the denial notice today.

    It says that the reason it got denied is because of a prostitution arrest back in 2008. I've never engaged in prostitution, my arrest was a complete misunderstanding.

    My case has been dismissed, and during my AOS interview the IO asked if I willfully engaged in Pros. etc., my answer was NO.

    The notice says I have the right to file for a Motion to Reconsider or Motion to Re-open. It also says I'm eligible to seek relief under a Waiver.

    I have an attorney, I won't be able to contact her untill Monday, now I'm trying to see if anyone went trough the same thing, or has some good advice before I talk to my attorney.

    I appreciate your time!

  4. Hi, I had a previous post stating that my status online shows that my AOS i485 has been denied, the decision was mailed on June 27. But me and my lawyer still haven't received any letters from USCIS.

    I requested a service request a couple of days ago.

    With most denials you have 30 days to take actions. What happens if I don't receive my notice on time????

    Im starting to freak out....

  5. I decided to call USCIS and off course they didn't have much to share but they put in a Service Request. She explained me that the service request doesn't mean that I'll have more time for my appeal/motion to reconsider.

    So if it takes another week before I receive the denial notice, I'll only have a week time to reopen or motion the decision. I don't think that's fair.....

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