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Posts posted by thepancho

  1. hello everyone, i had my interview on october 10th, and everything went allright, the consul told me everthing was fine and that the only thing that was missing was my medical exam, wich he gave me a yellow paper with some intructions to follow. I took my Medical examen on OCT-24th and got my results on OCT-31th. I went to DHL on NOV-2nd to send my results and passport to the embassy. I checked today and the documents are allready delivered at the embasy.

    MI QUESTION IS : how long does it take so i can get mu passport back with my visa???


  2. hola a todos, tengo una duda, mi cita es el 10 de octubre (el proximo miercoles), y recien hoy vierenes 5 llamé al numero que me dieron de los dos doctores...pero me di con la sorpresa que el doctor Corigliano no va a atender hasta el dia martes 09 de octubre, y el numero de la doctora Melinchon nadie contesta. LO QUE QUIERO SABER ES, SI EL MISMO DIA DE LA CITA CON EL DOCTOR TE ENTREGAN TODOS LOS RESULTADOS?? gracias!!

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