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Posts posted by xfreakazoidx

  1. Not sure if this goes in this section or not but my wife (We are CR1) has her 2 year green card and applied for her 10 year. They sent us a RFE. With that RFE was an envelope to send the evidence back. We have the evidence but cannot find the envelope to stick it in. So how do we send it back now? I imagine you need more then just your address on it. BTW the evidence wouldn't have fit in the small envelope anyways.

  2. Joint leases. Nope, not leasing anything.

    Joint bank accounts. We have one joint bank account, but they wanted more from when we first married. But obviously I only ahd my account at the time. They didn't let us make a joint one until she get her 2 year GC.

    Joint credit cards. We don't have any credit cards.

    Joint healthcare, car insurance, house so on. My healthcare is through my county. Hers was through Obamacare. Neither of us drives, though she plans to next year. House is my parents. Bills are in their names too, but we pay them for rent of course.

    Wills. No wills.

    Power of attorney. No POAs.

    kids? No kids yet. We were waiting into we were ready.

  3. I forgot why she didn't claim me, we had a friend who does taxes that said it would work better if she didn't claim me. Maybe they were wrong. As for bank statements we did include them from when we first opened out joint account (after she got her 2 year green card). If I included my other bank account where I pay rent from would that help? Her names not on it though because SSI said its best to not add her because it keeps the money simple to see. Like my check comes in and right away goes back out to pay rent and stuff like that. This is all so complicated.

    I get why they do what they do of course, to stop fake marriages. But it would be so much easier if they did interviews in person and could see we are a legit couple. I just don't want her getting deported if we don't have enough evidence. Or at least I assume thats what happens.

  4. So heres the situation. We got a RFE for my wifes 10 year green card because we do not have enough info showing joint assets. It says for the 2014 taxes she filed separately and they want to know why. Well I had not taxes to file because I did not work at the time. It also says they want her 2014 taxes but she didn't start work until two months after the tax season, so how can we submit what we don't have?

    It also says her 2015 tax returns were not complete somehow. What could we have missed? Lastly it says the bank statements do not cover the duration of our marriage, do not show common household expenses (rent, utilities...etc). Well she didn't have a bank account until she got her green card, it was a joint bank account. And rent/utilities are paid from my other bank account which is for my SSI checks only.

    So do they need to see my other account records then (even though its not joint)? And then a copy of our joint showing any other "payments" we made for rent and what not? Aside from that it says we could also submit other evidence like spouses driver license, birth certificates of kids, mortgage agreements....so on and so forth. Well we don't have kids, she doesn't drive yet, we have no mortgage agreement. Though we did send a document signed by my parents and us about rent/utilities with how much we pay. Not sure why they didn't accept that. And when I call USCIS it keeps saying our receipt number cannot be accessed at this time.

    Now we live at my parents house. We pay rent, food and utilities. I get a SSI check and she does work part time (was working full time before).

  5. I have a friend who brought his wife to america (like I did with mine). We are both sending boxes back to the Philippines to family. However his wife is buying some things from stores and some of it shes having friends there sell. I told them I think thats illegal. But the husband says its not illegal. I want to show him a law that says it is but I actually can't find anything that says its illegal. Does anyone know if it is? What trouble will the face if caught? I'm really sad for them because you don't want to mess up everything by doing such things. Any ideas?

  6. So my wife was expedited past USCIS and NVC (we are CR1 spousal visa). At NVC we didn't have to pay anything. We were told the fees we would have paid she would just pay at the window before her interview. Anyone know the total amount she will need? I believe its just an AOS and IV fee. BTW I am not counting the new $165 fee that we pay online after the interview. Thanks.

  7. Oh we are passed the NVC stage. We are at the US embassy stage for my wifes interview to get her visa. We actually got expedited through the USCIS and NVC right before Yolanda. Yeah I imagine since they are not booking slots for June yet, then the normal calendar that shows up on that page won't show up. Its a shame because we would really like a sooner interview. Without it showing open slots, its to risky to cancel what we have then.

    My wifes original interview was over two months ago. But her TB test had a false positive and they made us wait 2 months for the sputum test. We knew it would be negative because my wife was treated last year. We ever brought medical records and xrays but they ignored them. So to me the embassy should have given us a sooner date since St Lukes messed up. Can't change the past though. Hopefully in the future they will make visa easier to get and get rid of some of the bad rules.

  8. My wife already has an interview set up at the USEM. But many have said when you are at this page "https://cgifederal.secure.force.com/ApplicantHome" and logged in of course, you should be able to see the next avliable date for an interview in the bottom left corner of the page. Well I don't see anything in the bottom left. Is there any then to see when a slot opens up? I could always cancel but thats risking to much.

  9. So we are working on a spousal visa case (Philippines). The USCIS and NVC stage were expedited. My wife currently is doing her St Lukes medical exam. Well we couldn't get the DS-261 form to work two weeks ago online (probably because we were expedited). So our agency who is helping us made an email for us to send to NVC about the DS-261 info. To choose me as the agent for my wife. But today we got an email saying this

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    The National Visa Center (NVC) received your inquiry regarding the immigrant visa petition: <MBL number> filed by (me) on behalf of (wife). The NVC completed its processing of this visa petition, and forwarded it to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in MANILA PHILIPPINES. The U.S. Embassy or Consulate General accepted this case for expeditious processing, and the case was sent to the assigned U.S. Embassy or Consulate General in MANILA, PHILIPPINES.

    As this petition is no longer located at the NVC you must resubmit your inquiry or request, and all future correspondence to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate General where the beneficiary's interview will take place. Also, please be sure to notify the Embassy or Consulate General of any change of postal mail or e-mail address, or any change in personal circumstances that may affect the applicant's eligibility for a visa.

    Please visit www.usembassy.gov to determine the contact information for the U.S. Embassy or Consulate General in MANILA, PHILIPPINES. The specific Embassy or Consulate General website includes contact information for visa related inquiries. Please note that the US Embassy or Consulate General may still request additional forms or fees at the time of the interview. Please be prepared to submit any missing forms and pay any required fees at the time of your interview.

    So I am not sure what to do now. If they won't accept my info about the DS-261 because my case is moved to the embassy, does this mean I still don't need to do the DS-261? If I do still need to do it then how/who do I contact at the embassy to let them know who the DS-261 agent will be? I've searched online and it seems like theres practically no talk about the DS-261 when an expedite happens. So right now we are kind of lost on what to do about it. Maybe the embassy automatically makes me the agent of choice then since the case was expidited and they have my info?

    Thanks for any help!

  10. Ah ok I see. Yeah it went to the embassy. That would explain why online I cannot pay the fees. I click it but nothing happens.

    The only thing we are stuck on is someone keeps saying to fill out the DS-261 form. But we can't find it. Even our agency that lines it to us, we login and the DS-261 is not shown. Here is a screenshot of the place where the DS-261 is supposed to be.


  11. So we are CR1 (Spousal Visa) filers. My wife is in the Philippines. Well we had the USCIS and NVC stage expedited. We have our Manila case number. But we aren't sure what to do next exactly. We tried finding guides but there are none. We even asked our agency but they have never done a expedited case before. Like I know about what files to send my wife for the interview she has setup. And she knows to go to medical. BUt we aren't sure about what we may have to do or not do compared the NVC stage if we didn't use an expedite.

    On a side note can we pay the "AoS and IV" fees online? Or can my wife just pay them when she goes to her interview?

  12. I got married three months ago in the philippines and am currently working on a CR1 for my wife to come here to the USA. Well when my wife went to the DFA for her passport they said we have to report our marriage to the US embassy here in america. Is this true? If so how do we do this and when? Also do I have to be there in person because I can't afford to go back until her visas approved.

  13. If I were you, I would travel to the fiancee's country and meet. The other petition may or may not weigh on the new one. It depends on the officer.

    Turns out I was wrong. The previous visa I seen was her sisters, not hers. Phew!

    Yeah even though its cheaper to meet somewhere else I plan on going there instead so theres no paperwork to deal wtih really. That harderst part is I am on SSI Disability and don't have alot after rent. So I have to save ALOT of money since my mother has to come with me to help me. UNless of course I can get my mother to fly for free as my assitant. I've seen disabled people do that before.

  14. So the short story is I am a 30 year old disabled american man. I am engaged to a 27 year old filipino woman. We met last year. Yes she is real and not a scam artist. I got a lawyer to see about getting her to America and he said he would file the Fiance Visa, but first we have to meet in person since we have not done so yet. Well this leaves me with a few questions:

    1. I think my fiance had filed for a visa before back in 2009 with a guy who ended up using her. As far as I know it was denied (I seen a letter). I don't know if it was hers or her sisters, I haven't had a chance to ask her yet. (I seen it in an old email she sent). Will this effect our current fiance visa when we file it?

    2. My lawyer said to meet first unless I can get a doctor to give me a letter statings its dangerous for me to travel. Will this make the visa more complicated to do? I have lots of chat logs....etc.

    3. The lawyer said if I could not get a letter that we should either meet in Canada since she has less odds of being denied OR I could go to the Phillipines and meet her. Which of these is a better idea?

    4. Lastly because we consider ourselves engaged, how will that affect her filing for a tourist visa to meet? I heard if your "together" they will deny you for fear of the person staying here. Some people tell me lie and say we are not together (which we are not for lying), while others say we should be honest about being together.

    My lawyer says not matter what route we take theres no reason we could be denied outside of fraud/scams obviously. He said most people that file ususally get denied over filling out a paper wrong, but of course he said hes doing the paperwork for us so we do not have to worry about it.

    Thanks for any help!

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