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Posts posted by Suzi.B

  1. Good Day!

    I would like to ask couple of questions regarding HB1 visa .I am 21,5 years old and I am from Ukraine.This year i finished university in London(full time,Business management +finance) and in Ukraine(distance education science of law,because i was in London).After a huge research i found employer and he wants to hire me.He is opening new department that will sell his products in Ukraine and he needs me as the head of this department.(located in USA).To be short lets say that he needs me and he is totally fine with all my qualifications.However,I after a talk with couple of lawyers ,they said that it is impossible to provide me with HB1 visa because i dont have work experience (just part time summer inter).They said that i have to have at lest 3 years of experience as a senior manager in order to get this visa.What is your opinion and what would u suggest in order to resolve this situation.

    Thank you

  2. Thank you very much for your answer!!!

    As he told me he has CR-2 ,which petition we should complete and why it takes so long?or it is maximum of three years but it could take less.So during period of 3 years i wouldn't be able to travel inside/outside USA. My main concern as the current graduate will be able to work legally during this 3 years ? Sorry for such a childish questions ,but all these procedures are so unfamiliar to me.I do understand that receiving green card takes time.But I want to know who i will be during this 3 year period and will have eligible right to work ?buy property, car ?

  3. My fiance holds conditional permanent residence in USA(his mother is married to U.S citizen).His conditional green card will expiry in 2013.He lives in USA for a year now and has job.We are together for four years and decided to get married.Now I finished my studies in London and want to move to USA to live with him.I have tourist visa in USA for 5 years .I am citizen of Ukraine and hold Ukrainian passport.I would like to know am I eligible for Conditional permanent residence if i am a spouse of "conditional permanent resident" and what would you advise in such case.

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