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Posts posted by EternalPhotocopy

  1. My husband has never been in the US and was denied due to a small marijuana possession charge in 2006. They said we could file a waiver but I don't have much hardship. Does the new announcement have any bearing on my husband's case? Are they really going to keep him out of the country over something that the Dept of Justice just announced not to prosecute? Was this announcement directed at immigration officers as well? Can they really enforce this law so unevenly? Yes, I realize that federally the law remains, but the ATTORNEY GENERAL is the one allowing the states to go about their businesss and my husband was not accused of selling the drug. Any ideas? This is all super frustrating. I saw an episode of COPS last night where the officers helped a lady get back her stolen marijuana plant in the state I live in and I couldn't help but feel as though this all is incredibly unfair.

  2. My husband has an arrest from 2006 for a small amount of marijuana. If he was here illegally he could stay during the waiver. It seems backwards. I get that it helps families stay together. I am not hating on that issue. I just wish the same break applied to him outside the country as it did if he was here. It's annoying to have gone through everything else to have to wait while other don't have to. I have friends who this waiver will help out. It just feels as though I am being punished for obeying the rules.

  3. I am so tired of hearing about all the special help people already here are going to get. What about the people patiently waiting outside the country? Sorry but every time I see this on the news I feel like crying. I am not trying to hate on other people's situations but I can't help but ask - WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER BEEN HERE!?

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