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Posts posted by Nikknak

  1. Haha no she is not a "sex worker" MuDelphi, she is an adult entertainer/dancer/model. And yeah the strip clubs are ALWAYS looking for more good looking girls to work.

    Yes, there is abuse in this industry but there are also reputable operations that follow the law to a T.

    Anyone have any experience with obtaining a "P" visa?

    And what was the "soonish" visa option?

    Thank you again everyone for the help/opinions.

  2. I'll agree with Gegel on this one. With a reputable employer, P visa seems to be the best bet.

    Wow thanks a ton guys, i'll start looking into that. I know the owner of a 5 strip clubs here in the phoenix area, all straight laced operations so shouldn't be a problem.

    A performer can enter the US on a temporary basis on a P visa. There is no reason she would not be able to do so. She may - IMHO - wish to check the credentials of any potential employer so that she does not fall prey to the many schemes involving human trafficking.

    Note the different categories for P visas and their requirements, so that you will know whether your friend is eligible.

    source: http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/types/types_1271.html

    • P-1 Individual or Team Athletes, or Members of an Entertainment group that are internationally recognized (25,000);
    • P-2 Artists or Entertainers who will perform under a reciprocal exchange program;
    • P-3 Artists or Entertainers who perform under a program that is culturally unique

    Hmm, just not sure if a stripper would fall into any of those categories...

  3. So I'm curious if a strip club would be able to sponsor a seasonal non agricultural worker?

    I have a friend from Mexico who really wants to come work at the strip clubs in the US. 6 Months of working here (Much better conditions) and she could pay off the last 2 years of her degree.

    Please leave judgements at the door, she has had a rough life and is taking care of herself and her 3 little sisters the only way she can.

    If not being sponsored by a strip club, are there any other avenues she could legally work in the US?

    Other info- She speaks fluent english, and is going to college right now to become a grade school teacher.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


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