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Posts posted by Demiwolf

  1. So I've been freaking myself out for the past 2 weeks when my fiance and I decided to apply for the K-1 visa. Before I ask the questions I should probably explain the story.

    I'm from canada and he is from the US. We met online late january of 2011. I had just dropped out of college that month so I wasn't currently or recently employed.

    In June of 2011 his mom bought him a greyhound bus ticket to come visit me in Canada. He stayed with me at my home until September. We have plenty of pictures from the various things we did around my home city.

    In september 2011, his parents came to Canada to pick us up to visit the US. In february he applied for a new job at mcdonald's (which he is currently in training for becoming a shift-manager). It was nearing 9months being in the US (3 months past the 6 month limit but not enough for requiring a waiver) so I decided it was smart to go home asap. He couldn't come back with me this time because he was now employed.

    So now, here are my questions/concerns:

    1. Will my lack of employment history in the past 5 years affect my eligibility. Most of my time before college was spent living with and taking care of my elderly grandmother.
    2. We technically had one big visit from june 2011 to june 2012 and just lived with each other's family the entire time. Will this seem odd to uscis?
    3. We have no hotel receipts, even on actual vacations because his family payed for everything. This is one primary evidence that we're lacking.
    4. Neither of us took a plane. There goes another primary piece of evidence. They didn't stamp our passports or give anything to signify we crossed the border into each other's countries. We're trying to find his bus ticket stubs and the receipt his mom has for it but I fear that won't count for much.
    5. We had no idea the K-1 visa existed while we were visiting each other so we didn't hold on to receipts for any of the stuff we did.
    6. I'm unable to get actual camera-printed dates on my pictures.
    7. I still have to pay off my student loan from college, will having debt cause problems?

    There's other things I can't remember right now this second but in general I'm scared that our situation and lack of evidence is going to make applying next to impossible. I considered doing a plane trip (now that we can afford it LOL) but I stayed those extra 3 months and I'm worried I won't be able to cross.

    I'll update this topic if I can think of any other details that may help figure this out.

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