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Posts posted by Liketotravel2012

  1. 2 hours ago, Ksamwise20 said:

    Following this thread as well. Is this a Montreal consulate thing or does this happen in other countries as well? 

     I am sure it happens in other places too, but I've never looked at the other country subforums. 

  2. This is a queation for people who were  approved by the Montreal Embassy for an immigrant visa.




    Are you ( or do you know of anyone) from a Middle Eastern/North African, East African(Somalian), or South Asian (Pakistan) who was recently approved without getting into long background check delays? I have yet to read any positive stories or on the spot approvals from such people. 


    Reading this forum it seems if you or  your parents were from that background, any trips there...a very high chance will be refused/delayed.


    I have an upcoming interview and just trying to mentally prepare myself and my spouse for a 6 MONTH or more delay. 


    You can PM me if you don't feel like replying, just seeing if there is any hope at all.

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