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Status Updates posted by victoriafougere

  1. Yes! I picked it up today a and I'm moving on the 18th. So excited. I think both you and Rema are moving before me. Let me know how your POE goes!

  2. Nothing yet! Maybe (hopefully) tomorrow! I am planning on moving on the 18th of august, so i have time, but i just want it to be over! No more waiting until I adjust!

  3. Thats awesome! I'm glad to see things moved along so quickly for you! I'll be there bright and early, the super stressed out looking redhead.

  4. Also, if you want to, you don't have to use DHL to send it if you want things to move a bit quicker. I used Canada Post Xpress for next day.

  5. (they are the same thing, when I saw Loomis I damn near had a heart attack). Once you do this, on your main profile page under "applicant information" there is a "reference ID". This is the number they are looking for.

    Good luck! I hope everything moves quickly for you :)

  6. Hello!

    I actually had the exact same problem haha.

    You have to go on the csc website:


    You should have went here when you got the packet 3 letter and registered for courier service. If you didn't, it's okay, just set up your account and it will walk you through it. After you register for the DHL or Loomis service (th...

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