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snowbelt luke

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Posts posted by snowbelt luke

  1. Hello,

    Hopefully I will be on this board more since I am going through the Visa process now. My question is, will the agency looking at our I-130 form check things like facebook? Even though we our married and have the certificate, we still have each other listed as "engaged to" on facebook. This is simply because we want to have a church ceremony once the Visa is done and we can actually be together for good :) Would something like this be a problem? Thank you.

  2. Hello everyone,

    My first post here after registering. This looks like a very helpful site. :yes:

    I have a few questions I am hoping you guys can help me out with. I have met and spent time with a wonderful woman from Ukraine and we are currently engaged. We are planning on going the CR1 route.

    My questions are, I have my passport and birth certificate ready for when I go over which I guess will need translated. I am not quite sure what an apostilled birth certificate means?

    Also, from reading I see I need a "certificate of non impediment" I am not sure where to get this? I tried my county courthouse but they said they couldn't help.

    I have an agency to help me here once we are married with the Cr-1 once back in the states but as for the marriage process and what is needed in Ukraine I could use some help. I will only be able to spend 10 days there due to work and am wondering if this is enough time? Any advice is appreciated.

    Thank you for your help.

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