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Posts posted by abbi627

  1. Hey,

    Just stopped in to see how everyone is doing. I don't have the time to come here as much as I used to. Working 7 days a week takes all my time. But today I am home sick with the flu so I got up to send this post and see how everyone is doing. I hope there have been a lot of approvals and good news on here!

    I am doing ok - other than being sick. I leave to go see my husband on April 16 for two weeks. As for our petition - I got an email last night that it had been transferred to another office so I'm lost as to what is going on there. I just hope for some good news soon.

  2. Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I am working seven days a week so I am not able to keep in touch like I used to. But I read the forums whenever I get the chance. Those of you who have been approved: I am so happy for you. Those you still waiting: try to stay strong. I am still waiting of course. I am going to buy a ticket and go see my husband for a week. I wish it was longer but it was hard enough to coordinate a week off from my two jobs! But I am happy - I like my work and it keeps me too busy to feel sorry for myself most of the time. During the week I am a preschool teacher and on weekends I am a veterinary assistant at an emergency animal hospital. The only reason I am home today is because I am dealing with a kidney stone and spent the last two days extremely sick but I am doing better. So I just wanted to say hello to all my friends from VJ and to wish all of you the very best!!

  3. This is not immigration related but something I deal with lately and wonder how others handle this. Do you tell all your problems to your husband knowing he is far away and can't help and it will only upset him? I'm not talking about problems about our relationship or anything like that. But say there are problems going on in your life that are stressing you out - and you want to talk to your husband about them - but then you start to feel like you never have anything positive to say. That's been me lately. A string of things that have gone wrong that he can do nothing about but has me super stressed. So when we talk it feels like I am always whining about something. And I decided I would stop doing that. So now when we talk I always say I am fine and there are no problems. But that is not being totally honest. He and I are both big on honesty. But really do I want to be whining all the time???? I don't think so. So how do I balance this. I want our conversations to be enjoyable.

    I have had a health scare lately. I am fine but it was really scary and it scared me and it scared him. I am working 2 jobs almost 70 hours a week 7 days a week. I am getting ready to move into a new place. All this and other stuff - including the uncertainty of the visa process - has me super stressed out and suffering a lot of anxiety. I have one family member left who still speaks to me. I found out that she is dying and has very little time left. I feel like lately all I want to do is cry.

    My husband is super about being supportive of me when times are tough. I know I can call him day or night and he will be there for me and I can tell him anything. But I know it upsets him to know that I am having problems and he cannot be here to help me. So I find myself not telling everything right now.

    Anybody else ever deal with this? Thanks for listening. It is just one of those days.....

  4. Hi. I was just trying to figure out how you all know which service center has your petition. I looked at the Form I797C Notice of Action the address at the bottom is National Benefits Center in Kansas. Is this the service center that has our petition? I was just a little confused about this. And if that is the place that has our petition, have they been particularly slow lately? Just tryting to get some ideas on how long until NOA2 altough I know that is no way to know for sure. It is early stages for us I know - but just curious. Thank you.

  5. I guess this is my day to mope. First time I have had a day off in a very long time. I thought I would have a good day but instead woke up in a feeling sorry for myself mood and have cried off and on all day. My poor husband has no idea what is wrong with me. All he knows today is everytime we get on the phone all he hears is me crying. Yikes - got to get over this. Tomorrow is another work day. I start teaching a new class tomorrow. The kids don't need to see their new teacher with tears in her eyes. Oh well......guess we all have these days sometimes. Guess I feel like having a tantrum like the kids in my class - you know stamp my feet and say "I want my husband's visa and I'm going to hold my breath til I get it!" LOL. At least I just made myself laugh.

    Hope you have all had a good weekend.

  6. Congratulations on the approval! It is so nice to hear good news.

    I look forward to the day when I can post such good news inshaa Allah. When you wrote "no more goodbyes no more airport scenes" it made me cry. How wonderful it must feel to be able to know your husband is going to be with you. Congratulations again. You made it through the journey!

  7. It is nice to meet other sisters in similar circumstances. Yes we will make it through this inshaa Allah.

    I just said good night to my husband a little while ago and then after we hung up I started crying. I want to be able to sit next to my husband while we have dinner. I want to talk to him in person instead of online or on the phone. I want to hug my husband. I just want to live a normal life with my husband.

    But tomorrow is another day and tomorrow brings us one day closer to the day we can be together forever. Planning my next visit helps a lot too!

    The important thing for me is this: I love my husband. I would do anything to be with him. And right now that means I have to try to be patient and wait for this process to be completed. And I remember that I am blessed to have my wonderful husband in my life. So yes it is difficult - but he is worth it.

  8. I'm sorry RFQ. I know how much you wanted him to be there for your graduation. But he will be there soon. It is so hard to be away from our husbands. It has only been three months since I saw my husband and some nights I cry myself to sleep I miss him so much. Some days are harder than others. Being busy helps. But some days just plain old suck! Try to hang in there. Yes your husband will miss this event in your life. But you have many many more things to look forward to together.

  9. I completely understand how you are feeling. It has been just over three months since I came back from Morocco. I lived there with him for three months on this past visit. I have come home and filed the I-130. We talk every day. Several times a day. Quick phone calls to say good morning, calls on lunch breaks, online time after work, another call to say good night. But it is not the same as being there with him. And I miss him so much I sometimes fall asleep crying. At first I had trouble sleeping but since I am now working two jobs and working seven days a week I no longer have trouble sleeping LOL.

    I do pray too although I am still learning the correct way of prayers and still have a lot to learn. Prayer helps, staying busy helps, regular talks with my husband helps, planning my next visit helps. But It is hard. No doubt about it - it is hard.

    Feel free to PM me is you want to talk any time. And remember you will get through this. We all will. It is just a matter of time.

  10. My wedding story - not so romantic LOL. We got married in my husband's country (Morocco). It took us 29 days to get through the process which included running from city to city gathering documents, a required police investigation, a judge who wanted to give us trouble and did not want to issue the permission to marry. So it was not the most romantic. But I would not change a thing about it. I got to see what a patient man my husband is and how well he handles himself under stress. And it was stressful. But we are so much closer because of it. And now we are in the visa waiting game.

    To me it didn't matter to much HOW we got married - it was much more important that we DID get married.

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