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Posts posted by yakasushii

  1. Hi everyone,

    I needed to bring this thread back to life. So on my second border crossing last yera, I panicked when the CBO asked me how I met the person I was visiting (I said a friend when I was visiting my then boyfriend). I said through school, but we actually met online. I regret not being truthful, but the way she asked me made it seem like it was really strange I was meeting someone there.

    We're going through the K1 process. There are forms that ask if you've ever misrepresented a fact to gain admissibility. I feel like I misrepresented, since I didn't state the truth. I was only intending to visit, so the way we met doesn't affect that. But still, I didn't tell the truth. I will be honest at future crossings, but I am concerned and feel like I should rightly check off that I did misrepresent a fact because of what I did that time. Or can I just accept the fact that I didn't tell the truth, but that what I wasn't truthful about wouldn't have affected the process anyway?

    All thoughts are welcome. This has stressed me so much! :(

  2. Unfortunately, he was denied at the border, and considered inadmissible to Canada.

    Since he couldn't come here, I went to visit for a week, but his feelings changed while I was there, and he ended the relationship shortly after my visit. :( He is no longer willing to have a long-distance relationship. If I could move there to be with him or find some way to be there with him, I would, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

  3. Hi everyone,

    Thank you so very much for your replies! I've read each and every one of them. I apologize for originally posting this in the wrong forum. I realized it after it was too late. I'm just so used to reading the K1 visa forums :) Your replies have offered me with new insights, with a fresh sense of hope, and with some clarity and peace of mind.

    I will be moving out soon. I've been looking for places, and will move out August/early September. I'll be living either in a basement apartment or sharing an apartment with someone. It'll be somewhere nearby, so I will still be able to keep in regular contact with my family. I feel it is the healthier option for me, as this is a rather oppressive environment that I live in. In my new home, I will feel safe talking to my boyfriend on the phone or over Skype. I won't be chastised or frowned upon for talking to him where I will be living.

    My boyfriend has come a long way from his days of drug addiction. He has been sober for three years now. I do want to be with him, and very much so. I work as a teacher here, and his state allows teachers in my province reciprocity -- I've applied to be a teacher there, as I'd eventually like live and teach there. Once I pass the certification tests, I will officially be certified to teach there. If that doesn't work out for me, I will go into holistic medicine, and do some tutoring.

    My mother has not said anything about any of this since we talked. Since then, she has only shown me respect. However, I'm sure if I were to bring up my boyfriend, she'd go into a rage again. I've decided that I have the courage (and the financial stability) to improve my life, to remove myself from this toxic home, and to go somewhere where I can eat healthier and live healthier, and just be somewhere where I don't need to hear my mother yell at her own mother every day. Somewhere where I can grow, become independent.

    Even though my boyfriend knows my mother completely disapproves of him and of our relationship, when he visits here (hopefully he'll be able to pass the border), he still wants to buy flowers for my mom. He wants to show her love, no matter how much she doesn't want to see him. And I will do my best to show love towards her as well.

    If I end up with the ultimatum of either being disowned by my mother or being with my boyfriend, I will choose him. Even then, maybe my mother will finally realize that she'd be losing me for real, and will come around at last. And if not, then I will live with it. I need to do what makes me happy, what fulfills me spiritually, and my relationship with my boyfriend does that in every way possible.

    I do believe that I am making the right choices, the most optimal ones, and I sincerely appreciate the responses I've received. VJ is excellent, but I admit that I didn't expect to receive so many responses! :) I am touched by the amount of support, advice, and stories I've gotten with my situation. Thank you so very, very much.

  4. I am a 27 year old Canadian female. My boyfriend is an American citizen, and we met online in October 2009. We became friends over time, and met in person for the first time this year, and became a couple shortly afterwards.

    My boyfriend is 31 years old. He has had a tough life, with addictions, got his GED in his late 20s... and is now in college, with aspirations of being a substance abuse therapist. His BIG DREAM is to eventually establish a business devote to helping me with their own addictions.

    My mom, who is Chinese, is vehemently opposed to our relationship. I mention she is Chinese because it seems the Chinese culture is understandably effecting her views on him and our relationship. My boyfriend has a part-time job; my mother would only be happy for me to have a partner who has a high-status, well-paying permanent job.

    My boyfriend is coming to visit with his father, and my mother does not have any interest in meeting them, nor does she want any involvement with anything pertaining to the relationship. My dad also does not approve of him. I live with my parents but am not at all close with either of them. We are quite distant as it gets.

    After telling her today that they were coming to visit, my mother tells me that she has not told other family members about him to save face. It would humiliate her for others to know about him, that her daughter is with a man who doesn't have a "professional" job. She wants nothing to do with him and says that she suffers because I'm in a relationship with him. That she would rather die than continue to live. That she wished she didn't have me. That she will not be able to sleep tonight, and that her blood pressure will get really high, and that she will probably collapse.

    And understandably, this is having quite a strain on my relationship. We do want to get engaged soon, apply for (and hopefully get!) the fiancée visa, get married. I believe he was going to propose during his visit her, but now we think it might not be a good idea. But how long is long enough to wait? My mother says she will never accept him our or relationship. I believe it.

    I don't know what to do. I feel so unwelcome here and think it is probably time to move out, and hope that someday, my parents (especially my mother) will not feel ashamed of her daughter.

    My mother also did not approve of one of my cousins' partners (then fiance, now husband) a few years ago because he didn't have a high-status, well-paying permanent job, which she thinks any partner of mine should have. They did get married (she refused to attend) and she did not talk to this cousin for a while. They do talk now, and she seems okay with my cousin's husband, although she told me today that she is not over it. Being her daughter, it might be tougher for her to overcome, and I don't know that she ever will. I don't want to hurt her or my family, but I also love my boyfriend deeply...

    So maybe moving out is the best way to go... and hope that they'll at least want to stay in touch with me.

    Any thoughts or similar stories?

  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, everyone!

    No, I wasn't asked for a name or address or anything like that (fortunately!!).

    But I feel like it might be considered suspicious as I'll be going to the city every time, and I'm sure it was recorded last time where I said I was going. It is true that I could have a few friends in that particular city, and I do know a few people there, but I haven't gone to school with any of them. They probably wouldn't ask if my boyfriend is the same person I went to school with, or anything like that. So, yes, I probably really am just over-thinking it!

    And I will definitely bring evidence of ties to Canada, and I will definitely tell nothing but the truth! :)

  6. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Carol Ann!

    I just get really worried because I said we met at school, when we actually met online. And since the officer seemed to record that, I think it might pose a problem in the future for me/us, and I am only going to state the truth from now on. I wish I had known it was okay to just say we met online! Being naive about this has been punishment enough!

    You will be fine. I travel to Canada to visit my fiance and POE is Sumas, WA. As a matter of fact I am here in Canada now on a vacation with him. At the border I tell them I am visiting my fiance, they ask how we met, I tell them online war game, they ask which one, if I have been to Canada before, and how long my trip will be this time and send me on my way. I get these questions everytime I enter. :)

    Good luck on your journey!

  7. Vanessa, can you clarify what you mean?

    I'm still in Canada. My visit was back in May, and it really was just a visit! :)

    We're not engaged yet, but assuming we do successfully get the K1 visa after we file for it, I will be applying for AOS following marriage, of course.

    Do you think that this entry will have any effect on any of that? I know I'm probably overthinking this, but it's something I really worry about.

  8. Thank you all so much for your replies!

    I will DEFINITELY be completely honest at the border in the future! No doubts about that!

    I wasn't asked for any names, and so didn't give any.

    I've been worried because I was sure the officer was recording what I was saying. I would be so much at peace if in fact they don't record such things (I hope you are right, orangedesk!), but it really seemed like she was recording, because she was very specific in her questions (asked if he was Canadian, if he went to school in my city, etc.). I thought that, once the passport is scanned, that it would show any extra information recorded by officers?

    I guess I'm just not sure why she would ask me so many questions if she wasn't recording the answers, which leads me to worry. I do hope I'm just getting worked up over nothing, though!

  9. Hello VJers,

    I am a Canadian citizen, and I met my partner online. When I crossed the border to visit him, I said I was visiting a friend and was asked about how I met him, and I said at school back home. I had panicked and felt like saying that meeting him online would not have been a good idea, but I know by not that it was a GRAVE MISTAKE to not be truthful about this. I am absolutely terrified of the potential consequences of this. It was only my second time crossing the border, and I was really naive and didn't think it would matter. But now I am so worried about how this could affect our K1 visa application, and well... my life (if I would be banned from entering, charged with anything)...

    I wish so much that I could have just said the truth, that there is some way I can undo this, to make amends for what I have done. My partner thinks I don't need to worry about it, but I am worried. Is there anything I can do? If I am asked again at the border about how I met my partner, I am in big trouble, because I will say that we met online, and it won't be consistent with my previous claim (but I also just said I was meeting a friend -- I have a few friends in the area).

    Am I being overly apprehensive? I wish. But I am really concerned about how this could affect our relationship, as well as my future. Am I pretty much doomed with this?

    All help is appreciated. I feel so awful about this. :(

  10. Hi everyone,

    I hope this is not a silly question. :P

    I live in Ontario, and my partner is in Michigan. I've met him in person twice so far.

    In preparing evidence for our visa interview in the future, will NOT have passport stamps to show that we've met hinder us? Should I ask for a stamp when I go visit next time? I've read that our passports don't get stamped upon crossing the border... will they be willing to stamp it if requested? And if so, would they do it each time I request a stamp? Or are passport stamps not very necessary in our case?

    Thank you for your help!

  11. Hi everyone!

    I am a Canadian teacher, looking to teach in the US. If I am obtain a temporary teacher employee authorization (a legal state-issued authorization to work), would that be sufficient in getting a work visa? Or would I need an actual job offer from a school? I doubt it, but I wondered if it'd be possible.

    Thanks for your help!

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