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Posts posted by ruhesm

  1. So I sent in my AOS by mail along with supporting documentation and it was approved. My husband filled out the DS260 online and it has been approved. We were told that we could OPTIN after all these steps were completed so we did. Now I'm getting a notice asking me if I really wanted to optin. The only thing we have left to do before approval is submit our DS-260 supporting documents. At this point is it best to just go ahead and mail them in and not bother with the electronic processing or is it quicker to optin and then submit them via email. The NVC told me if I opted in at this point that I would have to resubmit all my AOS application and documents over again. I'm not sure what to do, can anyone help? Also, my husband is Canadian and if he has to mail the documents is there a certain place or way he must do it? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

  2. My husband is a Canadian citizen who is currently back in Canada waiting for our I-130/K3 visas to be approved. He has chronic back issues due to a fractured vertebrate. Can I apply for a B-2 visa for him to come here and start his medical treatment while the other two applications are in process or do I have to wait until they are approved before he can come back to the US? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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