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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  • Our Story
    I meet Junior while vacationing in Barbados on 10/7/2010. He's from Guyana on a work visa living in Barbados. I actually spotted him from afar through the crowd of people. By pure chance I was standing next to his friend. His friend and I started to exchanging in conversation. The friend asked to buy me a drink and to my surprise Junior returned with it. It's funny how you can meet someone and your connection feels like you known that person all your life. He was so sweet and funny. His straight to the point attitude was something I wasn't used to but became to appreciate. I spent the 11 days of my "girl" trip with him. Towards the end of my trip we decided to keep in touch to see where it goes. When I returned home I could not get him out of my mind. We started communicating everyday, I wanted to make sure this was not a vacation romance I decided to go visit him alone 3 months later. I'm happy to report it was just as we lefted it and we have been together as a couple every since. I went to stay with him for a month and it was wonderful. On June 17th 2011 he asked me to marry him in front of a host of his friends and loved ones. Of course I replied with a YES!!!!!

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  1. I'm soooo excited. I just checked the statues and it said APPROVED letter mailed Aug 22nd...I'm can not believe the process has move to that status so fast...

    1. G&M


      wow we send it off at the same time so I guess hopefully I will be getting my NOA1 soon

    2. KayandJunior


      I'm sure you will...I wasn't really completely ready because I was expecting the process to be at least 5 months. I wanted to go to Guyana for the interview but since the process moved this fast I wont be able to make it.

    3. KayandJunior


      I'm sure you will...I wasn't really completely ready because I was expecting the process to be at least 5 months. I wanted to go to Guyana for the interview but since the process moved this fast I wont be able to make it.

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