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Status Updates posted by Mr&MrsMac

  1. Is there any jamaican in ere from negrill or westmoreland

  2. Goodmorning all! My husband and I are expecting another baby, and I would lobe to have my mother-in-law here when it's born, that would help with our work schedules. Does anyone know if we can get a visitors visa for her? I'm due April 29th, would be great to have her by then! Thanks!

  3. Im sooooo really very happy to have my hubby home, but any advice on overcoming culture shock and differences of opinions??? He's a little home sick :-( But at least he starts his job soon :-) That should help, keep 'im busy at least!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      Hard days will come but remembering the love and acting in it will bring you back to it. Inbox me if you need to talk... Lagoslove!

    3. Mr&MrsMac


      AWW Omg I feel so much better reading your comment. This is so encouraging! Thanks for the tips, and our love is strong, and we will keep working. Congrats on your success!



      Babygirl we are here for each other that's what this site is supposed to be about. Stay with us positive married women folk and we will help each other as sisters :D

  4. Interview approved on May 25th, Visa issued on the 30th, holiday, bugged DHL to death, they finally dropped it off in Mo Bay on the 5th, and they met my husband on the 6th to drop it off to him! Plane leaves the 8th!

  5. Visa in hand!!! Finally after 12 long days of worrying the Embassy, and DHL!!! He's gonna make his flight Friday!!! Thanks for all of the helpful tips!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. d434qte



    3. Dmac30


      What are the tips to make the package come faster

    4. Mr&MrsMac


      Hi, sorry just seeing this. I wouldn't say we made it come faster, we just checked every place we could i.e. Embassy, DHL, DOS, and it just so happened to come in time!!!

  6. Happy Birthday

  7. Yes Heather343 you're right, we finally got the number thanks!

  8. Hi Mrs Binns, so the DHL just called him responding to my inquiry and said they haven't received it yet, but they gave him a tracking number! They told him to just keep checking, feeling somewhat relieved now..

  9. No, my husband thought they would contact him??? I'm so aggravated. I have emailed the embassy to try and change it to him picking it up since he lives far in Westmoreland, and all they said was the DHL arrangements cannot be changed! My husband says he doesn't have a tracking #, but I was told he should have gotten some # when he paid the DHL fee?!Thanks btw!

  10. Hello all! Anyone know how long it takes Visa's to leave the embassy? Our interview was approved Friday, May 25th. Thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shawna123
    3. bermudezs


      Congrats! My fiancé had his interview on the 24th and his was ready for pick up yesterday afternoon. When its ready at the DHL you picked it will say "Awaiting collection from recipient as requested" he elected to pick it up in Kingston.

    4. Mr&MrsMac


      Thank you! That's nice to know! Congrats to you too!

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