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Posts posted by ilovemyTICO

  1. I got the checklist past week and I have a questions about the official documents, it says I do have to translate all the official documents, in Costa Rica "La casa amarilla" is the one that translate those documents, does someone has any experience???

    Yes I actually know exactly what you have to do.

    1. First you need to have to documents translated by an official translator. There are quite a few to choose from. However I will give you the one we used.

    Mario Duran Quesada (Offical Authorized Translator):

    506-2233-6420 (this is his phone number)

    zeusmad090@gmail.com (this is his email)

    His building is located right down the street from "la casa amarilla"

    2. Second you take the orginal documents plus the translated documents over to "la casa amarilla" located in San Jose. If you ask a taxi where to go, they know exactly how to get there.

    Once you arrive at "la casa amarilla" you must buy the stamps out front from the guy .they call them "los timbres". Once you have the stamps. Go in, take a number, and wait.

    A couple things I need to add as advice. Be there when they open. After about 9:30 or so they start getting really busy and you will end up being there all day. Also, if you can't find the translators office; the guy standing outside of "la case amarilla" or the yellow house knows where it is and he will walk you there if you ask him. Make sure to tip him.

    Hope this helps and hope my response is not too late.

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