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Posts posted by Cristy

  1. Our little one was born in August. I have not applied for anything in Canada for her....I honestly did not even think I had to. yikes! What do I need to do to make sure she is a Canadian as well?

  2. I think I put this in the wrong forum so I am trying it here....

    Ok here is the situation. I am a Canadian married to a US citizen. We sent in the package for the 10 yr green card before the 2 yr expired. We have not received a NOA and the check has not cashed.

    Now we have decided not to stay here and are going to move back to Canada the end of December. I understand that if we decide to come back to the US we would need to start over.

    So here is he question. Can we stop payment on the check and notify them we are not staying in the US? That would put us here about 2 months after the 2 yr green card is expired. The only reason I think this might work is that Canadians can be here for up to 6 months with no visa.

    I am concerned about getting a ban. If this is a possibility I will let the check cash and then notify them we are not going to stay. I am just not sure which is the ok/right way to do this.

    Any info would be appreciated.

  3. Ok here is the situation. I am a Canadian married to a US citizen. We sent in the package for the 10 yr green card before the 2 yr expired. We have not received a NOA and the check has not cashed.

    Now we have decided not to stay here and are going to move back to Canada the end of December. I understand that if we decide to come back to the US we would need to start over.

    So here is he question. Can we stop payment on the check and notify them we are not staying in the US? That would put us here about 2 months after the 2 yr green card is expired. The only reason I think this might work is that Canadians can be here for up to 6 months with no visa.

    I am concerned about getting a ban. If this is a possibility I will let the check cash and then notify them we are not going to stay. I am just not sure which is the ok/right way to do this.

    Any info would be appreciated.

  4. I would say for certain my quality of life is worse in the US than in Canada. A lot of that has to do with isolation but there are other factors.

    The medical bills are eating us alive with 5 kids.

    We are totally thinking of moving back to Sask. Since I left home prices have gone up drastically. If I go to www.saskjobs.ca there are literally thousands of jobs including a ton with the government. A job with the government was hard to get when I left but I have found at least 10 I am qualified for.

    We are looking into jobs to see if we can both get offers and my husband can get a work visa. Once we are there we will decide if we want to stay.

    The down side of course is the weather but all things considered that is not so bad.

    Never did I think I would miss my country so much.

  5. Or better yet he gets a job offer before we go. Which is pretty likely considering the worker shortage in Sask right now.

    Oh and we will be going back to Regina if we go. I love Saskatoon but my family and friends are in in Regina and area.

  6. Thanks for the info. From what I have been reading it seems like there is an easy way. I also have been in contact with Brad Wall (sk premier). It looks like the kid and I can 'move' home and he can come with then apply to work and eventually apply to stay. I am double checking if it really is that easy but it sure looks like it.

  7. It has been a long time since I have posted here. 4 teenage boys and a new baby will do that lol.

    I need some direction....

    I am Canadian, my dh is American. We are seriously considering moving back home (Sask). I know the kids and I could ust go home.....but I need help pointing me in the right direction on how to get dh there quickly and legally.

    Any info or links would be appreciated!


  8. Thank you!! I searched until 1 am and did not find it! I figured I would probably be ok but as with everything else (immigration) I would prefer to have too much rather than not enough.

    I guess I need to report it lost and get a new one in my married name.

  9. Second post today...wow I am on a roll lol

    I have an issue. While packing all of our documents to get ready to go to Canada tomorrow I discovered I don't know where my passport is. I have my birth certificate and green card but no passport. Am I going to have a problem?

  10. I had sole custody. Their dad was never in their lives. It was questioned but never an issue.

  11. Hi everyone! Not sure how many people will remember me or how many I will still know. I sort of got busy with my new life and forgot to come back! :whistle:

    Ok so we leave tomorrow for a visit back home to Canada. We will be driving and crossing at port of Raymond/Regway. We have our greencards, passports and birth certificates. Anything else we need? I hope it is just going to be easy to cross into Canada and back into the US.

    P.S. Life is good! Happily married, great job...and sweating like crazy in the Arizona sun!

  12. I was approved but my kids got RFE. First of all they want stuff I sent like our marriage certificate, my husbands divorce certificate, my I-94, the I 864. Then they want stuff like my green card that I could not have provided when I mailed it in cuz I did not have it. They also asked for my divorce decree...ummm I was never married. I am just so confused by ####### these people do. Do they not read a thing? Do they just throw stuff away?

    My kids need a medical and TB test, for me the immunization supplement was sufficient.

    There is no rhyme or reason it seems. I am just ticked off.

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