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matt & wila

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Posts posted by matt & wila

  1. Does any know for if sure if you must already have an A number to in order to get medical checkup out the way?

    I’m asking because in late December 2013 I filed I-130’s for my two new step minor children and based on the abysmal recent processing timelines I don’t expect USCIS approval until late in the year but wife and I are going to Thailand to visit in a couple months.

    It would be much easier for us take the kids to Bangkok to get their medical while there than it would be for my wife’s rural family, but I don’t if the paper work would even be valid if our kids don’t have there A numbers yet. I know if we could the get the medical docs they would only be valid for 6 based Thailand TB testing guide lines but there’s a chance that would be long enough if thing pick up.

    Has anyone had success getting medical done prior to receiving A-number, any issues after the fact with interview or AOS?

    Thanks for reading,


  2. Hi,

    I'm not sure if the is the right place for this this question, but since I recently filed I-130 I thought I'd start here.

    I already have a timeline for our K-1 visa it was a great source comfort to be able track step by step and follow similar timelines. Were now married and through AOS yeah!!

    Now we are filing i-130's to bring my new step son & daughter to join us and my question is; Is there way to enter multiple timelines under the same profile so I can track my children’s cases and still keep marriage based timeline intact. I’ve been searching for a while, sorry If missing something obviously.

    Thanks for reading

    Matt & Wila

  3. Hi all – I am getting close to completing my I-129F and I’m getting a little nervous. We’re still getting some documents in Thailand together but other than that I think everything is about ready to send off. Could some of you that have been through this already take a look at this and tell me your thoughts? Does is seem okay, or not enough information, too much? Also does the supporting evidence I plan to provide as described below seem like it should be sufficient?

    Thanks for reading

    I-129F Supplement: Part B, Question 18, explanation of meeting in person

    Description of initial meeting :

    [wila’s full name] and I, [my full name] met via Facebook after she accepted Facebook my friend request on 7/11/2011. After this we chatted online a few times over the next couple week and I asked her to participate in a video call via Skype and Skype has been our primary channel of communication since, speaking about once or twice weekly prior to first meeting. As evidence of this I have attached original Facebook friend request and a number of dated screenshots from Skype(dozens more can be provided on request).

    Meeting in person 1 (November-December 2011):

    After communicating via Skype for between 2 to 3 months [wila’s first name] and I decided we would like to meet in person. [wila’s first name] agreed to take bus to meet me in Bangkok in November 2011 where then flew to Chiang Mai for some sightseeing and then back to her home in Nong Khai via Udon airport to meet [wila’s first name]’s family. As evidence of this I have attached copies of my arrival/departure passport stamps, copies of fight confirmations to Chiang Mai & Udon for [wila’s first name] and myself, and photos of [wila’s first name] and myself together in Chiang Mai and Nong Khai.

    Meeting in person 2 (April-May 2012):

    After returning home from 1st meeting we began communicating daily. I returned to Thailand from 4/20/12 to 5/11/12 to spend more time with [wila’s first name] and her family Nong Khai and take a side trip Phi Phi, Thailand with [wila’s first name]. As evidence I have included a copy I my itinerary to Thailand, tickets to Udon and round trip airline confirmations from Udon to Phuket for [wila’s first name] and myself , confirmation of ferry to and from Phi Phi/Phuket and photos of [wila’s first name] and myself together in Nong Khai and Phi Phi.

  4. When we first met we only talked fairly briefly and exchanged e-mail/facebook information. Perhaps it would be more wise to share our contact via Facebook and subsequent skype calls as this was a more meanful meeting anyway.

  5. Keep in mind they are really just look at her general way of making money. They are really trying to see if people had a background in some of the ugly side of Thailand.

    One of Wila's employers was at a restuarant in Pattaya (this is where I met her). The establishment was a legitament restuarant and did not particpate in "the ugly side of Thailand", are they likely to make assumptions based on it's loacation?

    Is she near Udon or closer to Nong Khai?

    She is a little closer to Nong Khai.

  6. I'm wondering how I should handle employment on g325for Wila. She has had only very limited employment history but has worked the on the family farm(not a large scale registered business) most of her life. Should I list this time at as unemployed though technically she may have been working very hard planting rice crops or tending to livestock?

    Also has anyone found a any useful tips for address lookups in Thailand. Wila has not kept track her paperwork well and do to her rural background it appears she's not so equipped figure this stuff out on her own and I am trying to walk through the leg work I need in Thailand. It seems renting rooms and finding temporary employment can be far more casual arrangement in Thailand. I am able to locate where she worked and lived on google maps but this does show addresses as it does in the U.S. The restaurant where she worked when I met her has a web site and has partial address and directions(enough to find it but no building number. Her apartment (where she only lived for 2-3 months) was a very non-descript building which I have been to and can locate on Google maps but cannot find an address. From information I am able to gleam from the internet I think I have assembled to address minus the building number, any advice is very much appreciated.

    One more thing Wila has something lieu of birth certificate (which was lost in fire) from the local authority. Can someone recommend a good translation service, ideally around Udon or Nong Khai?

    Thanks for reading


  7. I see that G-325A form ask for 5 continuous years of residential history. Does anyone know how and to what extent this is validated in Thailand? The reason I’m asking is not because we want to be dishonest but there is a difference between Wila’s official registered address and where she really lives. Example she is currently registered at a property she owns (part of family land) but is under construction and not in livable condition, she actually lives with her mother. Likewise when she has gone to find work between harvest seasons and will stay somewhere else for several months but then returns home. This second example is of more concern because I’m wondering if it will cause problem if her official address is one city during the time we met while she was employed in a different city.

  8. I see that G-325A form ask for 5 continuous years of residential history. Does anyone know how and to what extent this is validated in Thailand? The reason I’m asking is not because we want to be dishonest but there is a difference between Wila’s official registered address and where she really lives. Example she is currently registered at a property she owns (part of family land) but is under construction and not in livable condition, she actually lives with her mother. Likewise when she has gone to find work between harvest seasons and will stay somewhere else for several months but then returns home. This second example is of more concern because I’m wondering if it will cause problem if her official address is one city during the time we met while she was employed in a different city.

  9. Hearing about all these RFEs is making me nervous that I didn’t handle things in ways to generate enough proof.

    I can print copies of several plane ticket from trips we took togehter spanning two 3 week holidays together, but have only of few my boarding passes due to water damage from a heavy Thai rain. And I don’t have staggering amount of photos of us together though some from each destination. I have skyped with Wila almost every night for months and months and after this last trip I know don’t want to be without her. It will be devastating if everything I have so far falls short.

  10. I tried to look around a bit first, sorry if I'm missing something obvious. But is there guide that discusses K1 interview prep? It would be for Thailand if it makes any difference

    I'm trying to decide quickly if I want to use a visa service or attempt on my own with VJ support. I'm confident once I get Wila I can AOS, etc. without professional assistance. But I up to that point I'm nervous, I don't do anything that will keep us apart any longer than need be and want make I can provide Wila with adequate support to handle vaccinations medical, interview prep successfully.

    Thanks for reading,


  11. My fiancé and I primarily commuicate via Skype (alomost daily) and I take a screenshot almost every. It wasn’t until later I thought about making sure to put date on screen when taking theses shot. I don’t have extensive phone records or e-mail logs but I have dozens of these skype shots that clearly show Wila’s face and mine many with dates. Should this be sufficient as proof ongoing relationship along with plane ticket receipts and photos of are trips together and meetings with family? If so how many should I include?

  12. I just proposed this week and am very anxious to get paperwork going so we can be together in the U.S. on full time basis. Now I am in the process of compiling documentation photos etc… to start filing for K-1 a.s.a.p. This is a great sight, I can’t figure out how I didn’t spot it sooner as I have been looking into visa services for a while.

    After some discussion with my fiancée she thinks she might like her two children stay with her parents in Thailand and finish the next couple years of school before joining us (they would still be well under the age of 21 or even 18).

    Does anyone have experience bringing children after a period of greater one year or know of a link that covers this in detail? I’m trying to see what complications this adds. I understand this would mean it could not be part of the initial filing. But does that just mean paperwork and timeline would start from scratch or would it potentially prevent them from being able to come.

    Looking at the guide I believe once Wila and I are married this would establish a stepchildship and I should be able to file without issue and consequence is really only additional time and money. Is this correct, or to be on the safe side is it important to file all once to not jeopardize the children’s entry?

    Thanks for reading


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