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Posts posted by YEBPRI

  1. My i -130 has finally been approved. I know that the next step is affidavit of support to uscis. I have read the requirements to be a sponsor but saw that to be able to sponsor my wife by myself, my tax returs for the past two years is needed. I am in the military and earn a good amount of money annually. i have only been in the states for two years and only have two years tax returns available( 2011 and 2012). Can i still be able to sponsor my wife?

    Also do any one knows how long it takes for NVC to write to me once my case was approved. My case was approved on feb 14 2013. Is there any documents i should get ready whiles still waiting for NVC to write to me?

  2. Thanks very much guys. Do I need to wait for the old case to be completely withdrawn before I file. I'm my country we have customary marriages and ordinance marriage. My first application I used a proxy marriage certificate that was under customary law. Now when I visited my wife we went ahead to do the ordinance marriage. In this case which marriage certificate should I use. The customary or the ordinance or both. What date of marriage should I use. Date of marriage on customary certificate is 14 September 2010 and date of marriage on ordinance certificate is 24th sept 2012. Thanks everybody for your advice. Happy Colombus day

  3. No waivers.

    No I-129F, you are filing for a spousal visa, that is the I-130.

    First, withdraw the old petition. The, file the new one. IN your cover letter, you can mention the old petition briefly and explain that you didn't realise proxy marriages didn't count, but you now met from X to Y date in Z place and consumated the marriage and would like to petition your wife.

    However, in your first post you mentioned it was "probably" because of the proxy marriage- were there other issues? What papers was your wife given at the interview if any, what questions were asked?

    she was asked about our wedding pictures and she told the consular that we got married by proxy. I have all other prove of relationship this is because she was my fiancee even before i made my mind to come the u.s. she provided the consular with pictures showing that we had a pre- existing relationship even before i made up my mind to come to the united states. but the consular told her that the pictures show that we were dating and not married. There was no other issues that came up.

    this a summary of the letter the consular gave to her:

    Dear petioner . we are unable to issue a visa to the applicant beacause she is ineligible under section 221g of the immigration and nationality act. this section prohibits the issuance of a visa to anyone whose application application does not comply with the INA or regulations issued pursuant thereto.

    Im in the military and this has really stressed me out and affecting my productivity at work.

  4. *** Moving from K1 fiance visa to CR-1 spousal visa, as the K3 is obsolete ***

    Your original petition will not be approved as you didn't have a petitionable relationship at the time of filing. You will need to withdraw it, then re-file (pay new fees, wait again etc).

    can I file the 1-129f in this case or refile 130. what references do i need to make when filing the new one in regards to the old petition . Do I need any waivers?

  5. Hi ,

    I filed the I 130 for my wife last year. The case went to the consulate level in Ghana and she was denied the visa under section 221g. I have found out that the case was kicked back probably because we got married by proxy. I didnt know at the time of filling that marriage by proxy cannot be used for immigration unless it has been consumated.

    Now i have gone to the country met my wife and consumate the marriage. We have also done wedding which a certificate was issued to back. My problem now is the case is pending review with the USCIS now and i dont know when they will even reconsider it. I have thought about withdrawing the old case and start everything afresh. Should I wait for the old case to complete review or just refile another case with the new marriage.

  6. Hello everybody. im really on fire now and i need all possible earnest ideas. My wife was just deniesd a visa under sec 221g of the INA. Me and my wife got married in accordance with the customs and traditions of our country ghana. i was not in ghana when the marriage was conducted. when she went to the interview she was asked for wedding pictures and she said that we didnt have any since our marriage was customary marriage and it was done by proxy. she was asked when was the last time she saw me and she said over two years but we have maintained positive contact. truly i have not seen my wife since we got married because im in the U.s navy and i have been engaged with military duties . she said the consular issued her a paper stating that she has been denied the visa and i can file an appeal if i want. what should i do

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