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Posts posted by Enki_Gisi

  1. Finally :dance: Congrats

    What additional evidence did u end up sending?

    Just phone call records...text messaging records..text messages that showed what we wrote to eachother..chats from FB...pictures from fb with me and him and that had comments from our friends...my plane tickets...about 200 photos...passport stamps that showed I had been in albania and reciepts from when he bough me jewlery and that's about it

  2. Did you give them what they wanted? I'll pray for a fast recovery.

    Yea we did we send in like 700 peices of paper plus more than 200 pictures lol so you can imagine what that envelope looked like we send text messaging..phone call records...text that showed what we were talking to eachother...facebook chats...my plane tickets...and copy of my passport that showed I had been there..and he also had recieps of when he bought me jewlery also we send that..so hopefully we don't have to wait long...Monday was the interview on Tuesday we mailed everything in with fast shipping and wensday it got there.

  3. How did your hubby do at the interview? Good Good Good luck

    hes under administrative review :( they wanted more evidence of relationship...well it was really weird at first cause his interview was a Monday and they usually only do tourist visas on mondays in my country the family based visas are usually on Thursdays and the other weird part is that they all got Administrative review accept for 2 old people..ehh well i hope they dont take long...my friend they only took a week and they called her hopefully we get through it fast...thank you for the concern tho :)

  4. Honestly, you should send in everything you have and can possible think of that would help to prove a legitimate relationship. The messages are going to be the best thing to show a timeline of your relationship, that with pictures and visa stamps sound about like everything they asked for. I dont know how strict they are in Albania but it sounds pretty bad if only 1 couple got approved.. Usually what they ask for is exactly what they want. It sounds like you have all of that stuff so you should be fine.

    Yea i really dont know what was wrong with the lady today but everybody that was in the same situation as us CR1 visa all got AR...i wounder if they let him send in DVD of our ceremony.

  5. Okay so my husbands interview was today well it didnt go as we expected..he dot Administrative review :/

    So there was my husband and about 11 more people this morning..the only people that got approved were the first ones to go with were 2 old people who were going to visit their daughters and everybody else including my husband all got AR. So heres what the crossed that we needed.


    So my husband had pictured which the lady didn't even ask for and he had phone record which he gave it to her. so i send my husband about 100 more pictures, about 70 pages of text messaging, chats from Facebook, Facebook pictures that show comments from friends also. and i also had email from the time i bought my airline tickets for last year and from the year of 2010 i only had a paper that showed when i returned nothing about when i left. i also have the stamps on my passport but when you print them you cant see them alot.

    Please anybody help me with anything else i need to send or do i am in really need of help at this moment.

  6. Anything joint like bank accounts, life insurance with him as the benificiary, utility bills. Anything you can put him on together with you that does not require a social security number from him will help as well.

    thats the problem hes not here i cant put him in any insurance of hesnot here they require social security...i printed out text messages idk i really dont know what else to do at this point

  7. Hello,

    I was wondering if anyone knows how long after my interview will get the CR1 visa from US embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. My interview was more than a month ago and during the interview the Councillor officer told me that my sponsor's income is not enough and gave me a yellow card including a another paper stating that i need to provide them with another sponsorship form. After three weeks my wife's brother and his wife filled out the form and sent me and i submitted to embassy and its been two weeks that I didnt hear from embassy. Anyone knows what is happening at this stage and how long I would have to wait??? please help....

    Call the embassy that's the only way you can find out

  8. Ok so far this week is being the longes week of my life..my husbands interview is this comming Monday and I can't wait just want to get all the stress out...so just needed some help from anybody who already wend through or is going through the interview.

    So the Consulate in albania has all the documents required so here's the list my husband is taking with him

    1. Medical Envelope

    2. Interview appointment letter

    3. Passport

    4. 2 photos

    5. Call logs

    6. Pictures of me and him and family

    7. Personal certificate (birth certificate)

    8. Marriage certificate

    9. Family certificate ( just in case)

    10. Military records

    And that's it so far...if I'm missing anything please let me know guys I would appriciate anybodys help cause at this point we are both freaking out...just hoping everything goes well.

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