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Posts posted by desiree.juan

  1. my friends i want to get help to understand the situation i am in pleazz, i have being applied for jobs and i receive phone call from Target company that they are interested to hire me , well after 2 interviews , they give me confirmation code and they said they like me , next day they call me and they said i need to came to fill couple form for the job and they told me back to start training Sunday and i have to buy red shirts with my money and pants for work which i did and they said they still just need to me do a drug test and background check , so i give them my ssn and all the information so they can do that and i was happy until today , i receive email from them and they said they cant offer me the job anymore , i call them to know why and they told me because my background check was not clear and they have nothing to do about it because they receive the information from company called lexisnexis and they are the ones that do the check on me , so i call this company and ask them why because i never had done any thing bad in my life and i never being in jail or even have car ticket , so they told me that my ssn is not matching my age and maby because the ssn is new because i just receive the ssc 3 weeks ago

    i said what ??? maby you guys mean you just make me lost the job that i have long time waiting for because a thought ? then they told me we cant not answer you yet we need copie of the ssc and the green card so we can know why , that's mean you just destroyed my life and i have 2 weeks freaking happy about the first job in america and all of this because my ssn is new? or what?

    guys i just got here 4 month ago and the uscis will never issue a visa for me if my background check is not clear , and about my age not matching my ssn because i just receive my ssc , i am new in the country

    my friends i feel like something very evil happen to me and they deny me for no reason , i dont know what to do , i called target and told them if lexis company send them notice said i am ok they will hire me and they said they already find someone and i know they just lie to me because they dont want to deal with me , i start to gip up guys , please advice!!

  2. My husband and I have been married for four years and we haven't seen each other for 5 months. We are both getting discouraged and frustrated because we still haven't heard anything from the USCIS we put his papers in April 12, 2012 by the way. It's just hard trying to have a relationship through Skype? So my question is how do you guys cope with the seperation?

    my husband and i talk every day on skype and our kids look foward to seeing him every night. the most inportant thing for us talking about are feeling ,leting it out sometimes it easy and sometimes its really hard just TALK TALK TALK goog luck on your journey

  3. my fiance and i met here in the U.S while he was undocumented/illegal. he was here for about 7 years .. and about 2 years ago he went back to mexico. He didn't get deported though!..on the application it asks if he has ever been in the U.S..which he has!.. does this have any bearing on the k-1 visa being approved?..being that he was here undocumented?

  4. so my hubby re-took his med exams yesterday every thing went well the doctor told him they would deliver them the next day to the embassy so they did we got a call today that we have a appt. august 29 to bring his passport clearance from the police ,x-rays were so excited its the end finale after 18 month of being apart :dance:

    today the visit to the embassy went great were so done ! :dance: all we need is that call to pick up "THE PACKAGE" then we buy the plane ticket and we will be reunited at last :yes: i cant wait to see the look on our kids face (L)

  5. Dear VJers,

    I just wanted to share my feelings with the people who are in the same process as I am. My fiance and I started the K1 process in February. We got our NOA1 on the 5th of March and we passed the 5 months already.

    I'm starting to loose my hope a little! I know they are busy with it, but all this waiting and waiting and hoping for the 5 months to pass and now I just don't know what date to look forward to anymore.

    It's just hard to miss my fiance, I'm almost so desperate to buy a ticket to the States and share just a week with my fiance. But actually we can't afford it right now.

    I'm just a little disappointed and I hope that there are people who I can share my feelings with.



    i went to visit my husban 3 times since he left and im in no position to be taking so many trips but i have two small kids that ask for daddy all the time :( if you could get a lttle time off i say just go for it it could be a long process good luck

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