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Status Updates posted by Fahari

  1. Its so nice having my hubby around.I cant wait for these process to be over so that we can be happy together always.I cant wait,these process iss killing me.

  2. What does form 221(g)mean?I dont understand because i was denied a k1 visa and i was given that form.When i check on the website it shows that the form asks for more information but there is no where mine says that.I also wonder what they are looking for as proof for bone fide relationship because i provided them with all required documents like chat logs,emails,phone bills,financial support,letters,pics of us and family in diffrent places.I had very high hopes because everthing was prepared ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fahari


      Its only those who have gone through such kind of ordeal that understands.So what did you do next?

    3. chadobrian


      kept writing them and asking ...even contacted congressman..

    4. Fahari


      Did you get any help from him?We did that but it dint make any diffrence.

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