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Posts posted by k1_visa

  1. Mandame un mensajito así hablamos por MSN. Disculpá que estuve medio cortante cuando intentaste hablar conmigo pero te imaginas el quilombo en el que estoy metido. No me conecto demasiado aca, así que si tenées ganas lo seguimos por MSN.


  2. Hello VJs,

    I have lost contact with my spouse, since I ve decided to move back my country becouse our marriage was a nightmare. Now, she doesnt want to talk to me anymore and changed phones, address, etc. I am ( or was?) a K1 holder with AP and EAD ( bouth expired). During my 1 year stay in the USA my case was pending of aproval ( Actually in the USCIS page my case appears as still pending)

    So now its impossible to contact her and I cannot go back to the USA due my AP is overdue.-

    She may have divorced me.... so... How Can I get the divorce decree since I cannot enter to the USA?

    Any suggestion?¿?¿ Many thanks and good luck everybody.











  4. everyone practice their samba?


    it's game time!


    yay brazil!


    Oh yeah, Brazil has a great propaganda.... but you know what? All the ####### about samba, football, carnaval its just for stupid tourists. This is the real Brazil... stop trying to hide the real country you came from. dont get me wrong, i have nothing personal against brazilians but im so sick and tired of those post illustrating brazil as a land of fun and plasure...

    Stop the bullsh**




  5. anyway i bet the FIFA wants them in the final....

    Sure, Fifa is magically inside the field making us goal :lol::lol:




    :dance:(L):star:(L):dance: :dance: (L):star:(L):dance:

    45 mins: GOAL Brazil 2-0 Ghana

    Adriano doubles Brazil's lead, tapping in a cross from Cafu after a sweeping end-to-end move - but it was clearly offside. Immediately before, Sulley Muntari almost tip-toed his way through the flaky Brazil defence at the other end.


    the good thing is that i am 100% sure the italians will kick those brazilians out of this World cup

    come on guys, is time to wake up and stop that stupid myth of the ¨beauty brazilians skills¨. ITS ALL #######.

    England, Germany, Argentina, Australia, Italy, spain. Mexico and many other have played much better than those fake brazilians

    its all marketing, brazil sucks big time

    GO GHANA!!!!!!!!!!

  6. wow... i am watching Ghana Vs. Brazil and i was wondering...

    Where the hell is the jogo bonito ? Brazil really sucks this worls cup. Brazilians should feel frustrated due the terrible performans of their team. anyway i bet the FIFA wants them in the final....

    GO GHANA!!!!!!!

    OFF SIDE REFEREE MOTHER F%%%%/&/·&((&%(/(((((

  7. So far Argentina and Spain played better than the rest of the teams. The performance of the great favorite Brazil is really....REALLY... poor. My bets are for:

    1) Argentina

    2) England


  8. .... No, it´s an article posted in the poll section.

    I wanted to ask if you support a bilingual education for your children but I dont know how to handle the poll options so I am going to ask another question

    Do you think those who dont know how to post polls should go to bed now?

  9. Suspension for speaking Spanish sparks controversy

    School district rescinds punishment, but debate continues on English-only policies

    By T.R. Reid / The Washington Post

    KANSAS CITY, Kan. -- Most of the time, 16-year-old Zach Rubio converses in clear, unaccented American teen-speak, a form of English in which the three most common words are "like," "whatever" and "totally." But Zach is also fluent in his dad's native language, Spanish -- and that's what got him suspended from school.

    "It was, like, totally not in the classroom," the high school junior said, recalling the infraction. "We were in the, like, hall or whatever, on restroom break. This kid I know, he's like, 'Me prestas un dolar?' ('Will you lend me a dollar?'). Well, he asked in Spanish; it just seemed natural to answer that way. So I'm like, 'No problema.'"

    But that conversation turned out to be a big problem for the staff at the Endeavor Alternative School, a small public high school in an ethnically mixed blue-collar neighborhood. A teacher who overheard the two boys sent Zach to the office, where Principal Jennifer Watts ordered him to call his father and leave the school.

    Watts, whom students describe as a disciplinarian, said she can't discuss the case. But in a written "discipline referral" explaining her decision to suspend Zach for 1 1/2 days, she noted: "This is not the first time we have (asked) Zach and others to not speak Spanish at school."

    Since then, the suspension of Zach Rubio has become a local cause celebre, the talk of the town in both English and Spanish newspapers and radio shows. The school district has officially rescinded his punishment and said that speaking a foreign language is not grounds for suspension. Meanwhile, the Rubio family has retained a lawyer, who says a civil rights lawsuit may be in the offing.

    The tension here surrounding that brief exchange in a high school hall reflects a broader national debate over the language Americans should speak amid a wave of Hispanic immigration.

    The National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy group, says that 20 percent of the U.S. school-age population is Latino. For half of those Latino students, the native language is Spanish.

    Conflicts are bursting out nationwide over bilingual education, "English-only" laws, Spanish-language publications and advertising, and other linguistic collisions. Language concerns have been a key aspect of the growing political movement to reduce immigration.

    "There's a lot of backlash against the increasing Hispanic population," said Washington D.C. school board member Victor A. Reinoso. "We've seen some of it in the D.C. schools. You see it in some cities, where people complain that their tax money shouldn't be used to print public notices in Spanish. And there have been cases where schools want to ban foreign languages."

    Some advocates of an English-only policy in U.S. schools say that it is particularly important for students from immigrant families to use the nation's dominant language.

    California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, R, made that point this summer when he vetoed a bill authorizing various academic subjects to be tested in Spanish in the state's public schools. "As an immigrant," the Austrian-born governor said, "I know the importance of mastering English as quickly and as comprehensively as possible."

    Hispanic groups generally agree with that, but they emphasize the value of a multilingual citizenry. "A fully bilingual young man like Zach Rubio should be considered an asset to the community," said Janet Murguia, national president of La Raza.

    The influx of immigrants has reached every corner of the country -- even here in Kansas City, which is about as far as a U.S. town can be from a border. Along Southwest Boulevard, a main street through some of the older neighborhoods, there are blocks where almost every shop and restaurant has signs written in Spanish.

    "Most people, they don't care where you're from," said Zach's father, Lorenzo Rubio, a native of Veracruz, Mexico, who has lived in Kansas City for a quarter-century. "But sometimes, when they hear my accent, I get this, sort of, 'Why don't you go back home?'"

    Rubio, a U.S. citizen, credits U.S. immigration law for his decision to fight his son's suspension.

    "You can't just walk in and become a citizen," he said. "They make you take this government test. I studied for that test, and I learned that in America, they can't punish you unless you violate a written policy."

    Rubio said he remembered that lesson on Nov. 28, when he received a call from Endeavor Alternative saying his son had been suspended.

    "So I went to the principal and said, 'My son, he's not suspended for fighting, right? He's not suspended for disrespecting anyone. He's suspended for speaking Spanish in the hall?' So I asked her to show me the written policy about that. But they didn't have" one.

    Rubio then called the superintendent of the Turner Unified School District, which operates the school. The district immediately rescinded Zach's suspension, local media reported. The superintendent did not respond to several requests to comment for this article.

    Since then, the issue of speaking Spanish in the hall has not been raised at the school, Zach said. "I know it would be, like, disruptive if I answered in Spanish in the classroom. I totally don't do that. But outside of class now, the teachers are like, 'Whatever.'"

    For Zach's father, and for the Hispanic organizations that have expressed concern, the suspension is not a closed case. "Obviously they've violated his civil rights," said Chuck Chionuma, a lawyer in Kansas City, Mo., who is representing the Rubio family. "We're studying what form of legal redress will correct the situation."

    Said Rubio: "I'm mainly doing this for other Mexican families, where the legal status is kind of shaky and they are afraid to speak up. Punished for speaking Spanish? Somebody has to stand up and say: This is wrong."

  10. If you are honorable people you should recognize that i was right and you were wrong. It has been a discussion among 1 argentinians and 4 brazilians and you called me a liar. Now ...i showed the polled from a Brazilian newspaper.

    I am sorry the non- portuguese readers cannot understand it but you are not good losers.

    It doesnt worth talking with people who dont recognize their mistakes.

    4 brazilians? where?

    Oh i sorry, I though you were Ronaldo :yes:


  11. If you are honorable people you should recognize that i was right and you were wrong. It has been a discussion among 1 argentinians and 4 brazilians and you called me a liar. Now ...i showed the polled from a Brazilian newspaper.

    I am sorry the non- portuguese readers cannot understand it but you are not good losers.

    It doesnt worth talking with people who dont recognize their mistakes.


  12. ppffttt... you guys think that just because the team scored good it is good enough... wake up and smell the coffee :whistle:

    I hope ¨you guys¨ referces to the Human Race and not only the argentinians.

    Im reading the most important sport magzine in of Brazil http://www.lancenet.com.br and the poll shows that more than 50 % of the brazilians actually think ARGENTINA is going to be the next champ....

    dont be that jelous man....

    Good luck


    what are you on? are you doing lines with maradona? put the crack pipe down.

    I highly doubt that over 50% of the brazilians will say Argentina is better.. Come on.. lay off the wacky stuff.. it effects your thinking and reasoning.

    Dont Forget that Brazil is defending champs.. so they are highly favorites to winning..


    more than 60% now

  13. I'm still waiting for you to point 1 brazilian that would be jealous of anything in Argentina jesusrio.gif

    Just because I'm in a nitpicky mood, I just have to point out that you cannot possibly speak for every single Brazilian....it's a ridiculous notion.

    Lisa.. it is because you probably have never been here and saw how we are when you mention this name "Argentina" :lol:

    anyway... it is all in good fun... people are taking it too serious when it is going towards other topics other than SOCCER !

    no offense, just like Lis said above, you are not brazilian there's no way u could possibly understand our argentina rivalry, and u're right i can't speak for every single brazilian, same way i can't say ''u can't possibly find 1 american that doesn't hate bin laden'' i know there're plenty of left wing nutjobs in the world.

    nessaandcharles: I think we bouth understood the meaning of this Game. I agree with you. anyway I shouldn´t mention that favela thing. When with talk about futebol it seems that the worst of me came up. Sorry.

    Anyway... I ll hate brazil ( at least for 1 month) ...then you ll be our funny neighboards :thumbs:

  14. Welll, let´s star with the 30 millions of paulistas who lives in the favelas....seems a good idea, right?

    I don't see them immigrating to Argentina, i'm sure they prefer leaving in favelas here in brazil and enjoying all the other million positive things brazil can offer rather than living in Argentina. But i do see a LOT of argentinians coming to brazil, go to Balneário Camboriú for example, you hear more people speaking spanish than portuguese :thumbs:

    I'm still waiting for you to point 1 brazilian that would be jealous of anything in Argentina jesusrio.gif

    for the no spanish/portuguese speakers: The word Balneario means Beach, that is to say that many argentinians spen their vacations in the Brazilians coasts becouse it´s really cheap.

    And we also hear some portuguese in Argentina too. Especially in the construction field.

    Same happens with the americans with cancun

    I ll let politics out of this topic,

  15. dont be that jelous man....

    Good luck

    i dare u to find 1 brazilian that's jealous of argentinians. I can't dare u to find otherwise, tho. ;)

    Welll, let´s star with the 30 millions of paulistas who lives in the favelas....seems a good idea, right?

  16. Not jealous... just saying that Argentinians.. yes.. Argentinians are always ironic when it comes to Brazil ... and so are we Brazilians when it comes to Argentina...game is game :lol:

    btw ... I ain't no man :yes:

    ahhhhhhhhh voce e una minina...... I thought you were a male, so we are cool now since I know you gals cannot resist Argentinians machos

    Solita o casada? hahahaha

    ( joking)

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