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Posts posted by Artegal

  1. Yeah, last trimester! 2 more months left to go until baby number 2 arrives. Baby number 1 is a handful, and keeps growing like there is no tomorrow! The second baby is also a boy--assuming the ultrasound lady knows her penises. Anyway the fact that one boy was born after 1 sept and the other one before 1 sept means they will only be one year apart in school instead of two. That's good as they can easily follow each other, and play on the same sports teams at times, etc. Everything is going good, wife seems a little extra emotional this time around, but she is hanging in there, home stretch now!

  2. Haven't posted or been online for a while--working two jobs to support my family--never thought that would be the neccesity--what with food and gas prices rising--and now a second child due in August. Anyway we went to Lima for 12 days in the last week of March first week of April--and man the US dollar don't buy what is used to in Peru. And on top of that the prices of everything have gone up so it was really an unpleasant trip in that regard--we did get to see family which was nice--but it was really hot--a little uncomfortable--but still we had not been to Peru in two years so it was good that we went.

    Plane tickets have been out of sight lately to Peru-but every now and then you can find a good deal at least out of Miami or Fort Lauderdale.

    Other news--um oh there was an earth quake in peru when I we were down there--first one I have felt in my 16 trips to Lima.

  3. coyotes were introduced in Georgia in 1976 (By Carter) why I have no clue, I guess to replace the Panthers and Wolves that no longer roam freely in this part of the land--anyway the Coyotes now are seen all the time in suburbs and even the city, eating people's pets and out of trash bins--not the Environmentalists idea, I would think.

  4. around here usually Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Latino is used to describe people who culturally come from a Latin American country or who speak spanish language.

    But as far as foods--yeah everyone (Norte Americanos) seem to think that all latin american food is Mexican, from Texas to Tierra Del Fuego. Like when my wife got a job at a restuarant the Owner asked where is my wife from--I said Peru, and she replied great I hope she knows some good Mexican Recipes!

  5. REYKJAVIK (Reuters) - Former world chess champion Bobby Fischer has died of a serious but unspecified illness, Iceland national radio reported on Friday.

    . . . The controversial, American-born Fischer had settled in Iceland in 2005 was later granted Icelandic citizenship.

    That would be unspecified (Water-Boarding) illness.

  6. Here we go again blame the victim, You know for example: what where you doing or wearing to get raped? Or why were you in that part of the city at that hour to get robbed? Etc. now we want to blame a 19 year old who has had a little too much to drink for being eaten alive by a tiger in a zoo. So its another case of blaming the victim. Excuse me but people taunt animals all the time drunk or not in zoos. The problem is the animals should not be able to escape their enclosures. Beer and wine are sold inside the San Francisco Zoo, even my local zoo--Zoo Atlanta has bartenders setup through out the Zoo grounds serving beer, wine, and cocktails. So if drinking was the problem then why serve drinks in the first place--well that's just it its not the problem its the poor design of a tiger enclosure. Lets stop blaming the victim.

  7. Work with criminal population . . . Granted, errors are made and as long as they are corrected, the system has worked. There are innocent people in jail or prison because they decided to enter a guilty plea for their own reasons. No one forced them too. There are also those who enter Alford pleas for their own reasons. This was a very one sided article and if it is to be fair, it must then cover all the angles for a person to form a concrete impression of the system and wheter it is working or failing.

    um, I was agreeing with you up until the part highlighted in bold. I am sorry but 95% of all cases never see "a day in court." These cases are plea bargained etc. And you state that no one forced them too plea--this is not true. Many defendants (especially the poor, ignorant, young, or otherwise weak) are railroaded into making a plea. Even in simple cases like traffic tickets many will just plea to the offense even when you are not guilty--because the weight of the justice system upon an individual is overwhelming. For example I was charged with illegal lane change, a fine of $65. The cost just to adjudicate the case and plead not guilty would cost $65 non-refundable bond, then add the expense of getting a lawyer, investigating similar cases, the situation, evidence discovery, witness interviews, even if you did your own leg-work--who would or could do all that--when you could just easily plea no-lo to the charge. Don't forget that more and more states are prosecuting juveniles as adults and there have been many cases where the juvenile was interrogated without end (denied legal counsel, food, water, sleep, bathroom breaks, or even time with parents) for hours (a form of torture) until a confession was created. Often the endlessly interrogated suspect was promised freedom in exchange for the confession creation. Another well known practice is to so over-charge a defendant that the legal mountain of charges forces certainly the weak and in some cases those normally thought to be strong to give in and take a lesser charge or probation—even though they may actually be totally innocent of any wrong doing. I think that is enough for now, of course I could bring up the examples of bad forensics science, fraudulent forensics, and out right lies purported to be crucial evidence in countless cases--some of which resulted in innocent people being executed.

  8. You know you have to consider StevenJinky Mr.FancyPants bias--he is an anarchist-isolationist. He is against the Multi-nationals, UN, IMF, World Bank, and any trade treaty--but on the other hand he seems bent on allowing free and open immigration. I guess he is for unorganized trade and travel as opposed to legalized or controlled methods. However as much as it pains me to do so, AND I DO NOT BELIEVE this case is the best case for his example--I have to aggree with StevenJinky (who once labelled me a tool, as he likes to give other labels to people as well apparently) that it is troubling that in this country the prevailing general content that we have in the post-9/11 era is to just give police (law enforcement, justice, etc) wide descretion. I would say so far this content falls short of making us all facists, however, it is the general trend of such leanings that should be more alarming than the scant evidence and observations we have with global warming that seem to alarm so many of us. And this case does not support StevenJinky's ideas--because if we were a facists state--wouldn't we overlook this case of the illegal law-breaking immigrant since he is a police officer--it would seem a true facists state would ignore this fact and let the criminal police officer stay in power.

    Bring a different case StevenJinky FancyPants, you can do better.

  9. <_< I am leaving. I must leave, I can't believe I have stayed here this long--I have seen nothing but echoes of the OP's topic reactions to it etc. Therefore it is time for me to leave--leave this thread that is--leave it alone--leave it to be locked, mocked, or ignored--but however leave it well enough alone. Get a hobby and read more books and less web-blogs! :jest:
  10. This week I got the official www.ccfsettlement.com or Currency Conversion Fee Antitrust Litigation settlement form to recoup the money that I was ripped off by banks: Diners, Visa, and Mastercard. For any transactions I made overseas from 1996 til November 2006. The minimum refund I will get is $25. However I have statements etc. and I could receive up to 3% of the total of all my overseas transactions--still looking for receipts and statements. SAVE your receipts people!!

  11. Why did they have to give this figure such a nice rack, it was hard to focus on not focusing so I get her to spin either way--which I was able to control by closing one eye and then reversing which eye that is closed and opened.

    Left eye open, right eye closed she spins: clockwise

    Both eyes open she spins: mostly counter-clockwise, but randomly clockwise.

    Right eye open, left eye closed she spins: counter-clockwise.

  12. As a Christian would you steal that which does not belong to you? No matter the reasons behind the objection to the material--it is stealing if you never intended to return the books. You are not one of those Christians that think its okay to blow up abortion clinics or assasinate OBGYN Doctors are you?

    No, I don't agree with her course of action. Two wrongs don't make a right so stealing books from the library because you disagree with the content is also morally reprehensible. Besides where would it end? Muslims stealing Vegetales books because of the psuedo-Christian message within those stories? Homosexuals stealing every 99c Mills and Boon trashy-romance novel because of the lack of representation of the gay community in those books? Vegetarians stealing cookbooks to discourage people from eating meat? (I am vegetarian by the way). If this scenario were played out for real our public libraries would be empty in a very short space of time. And, no as a Christian I don't think it is okay to blow up abortion clinics and OBGYN doctors. Boy, you really mis-read my original post and then some... but that is not surprising coming from a Hillary supporter. Urgh.

    I don't think I misread anything--you stated you were opening a can of worms and then you said you sit back and eat your popcorn--so you clearly intended to attract an opposing view. And nothing about the original story related to being a Christian view to be opposed to the sex-ed books.

    But then again you apparently have something else in common with JoAn Karkos--she went to the library to find controversy--you are not just handed a random book as you walk into a library--you have to actively seek out the content you are wishing to check--and then once you find what you sought, you are then offended? I guess that is what you are doing now--you interjected your Christian belief that had nothing to do with the original story and with the can worms and pop corn run for cover statement you are too inviting controversy.

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