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Posts posted by unhappywife

  1. Hello all,

    I have been in the United States for 9 months. I have been married for almost 2. Since I got here a lot of good things happened. I found a job really fast, my husband and I got set up in Los Angeles.

    At Christmas time, I havent made any friends yet and my husband asked me if he could go to a party by himself, because I needed to trust in him and he needed some time by himself. I fought I lil bit, it was saturday night and I didnt want to be by myself. But I agreed. He went to this party and next day he was on his phone all day long texting. I asked him several times who he was texting and he didnt answer. On monday I checked our bill and find out he was texting a girl that he met at the party. We fought and he told me he was very sorry and nothing has happended he was texting her because it felt good to know girls were still interested in him.

    After that I got so crazy jealous and was constantly checking on him. I was very jealous of a woman that worked with him. I know she wasnt attractive for my husband but I thought she was hitting on him. We became friends with her family and were always hanging out with them. So right before Christmas she gave my husband a Christmas gift. Only for him. When we left her house I was telling him how jealous I was, that it was ridiculous of her part to give him a gift. He was drunk and I was driving. I stopped at the red light and we were fighting he got so mad at me that he squezeed my face so hard and I got a black eye. Next day he said how sorry he was and that would never happen again. He was drunk and out of him and he loves me a lot and didnt want me to leave.

    After that our fights just got worst. We were always fighting until a day I said I couldnt do that anymore and I was filling for divorce. I told him I had all the paperwork with me waiting for him to sign. That night he didnt show up home. I was so nervous and feeling so lonely. I had nobody around me. Next day he finally called me and told me he was at his friend's house. We talked for about 4 hours and he told me he kissed a girl the night before. He said he thought we were going to get a divorce and wasnt caring about me anymore. That was very humilliant. After talking a lot we got back together and he seemed to be getting better. I didnt find anything about girls anymore and he was doing better, always saying he was really sorry about what happened, that he was immature and he loves and doesnt want to lose me.

    We moved to another place close to his college and he decided he wanted to have a party at the new apartment. He got wasted at the party and we had another party. He pushed me from our bed and I hit my back and arm at the door which hurt me bad. He was crazy that night. Next day the same thing, he loves me and please forgive me. I love him and it is hard for me to decide what to do.

    His friends wont live my house. It has been 3 fridays night in the roll that he goes out by himself. I now have one friend, but she doesnt go out and I feel very lonely. When he wants to go out makes me feel lonely and we always fight.

    Yesterday he told me he loves me with all his heart and I can trust him. He knows he made mistakes in the past and he cant go back time and fix it and if I want to stay with him I need to stop bringing this up everytime we fight and I need to trust him and let him go out with his friends because he needs that and he wont do anything stupid anymore.

    I want to trust him but its hard and now he doesnt want to do anything with me, only with his friends. I went to the doctor and she said I may be depressed. I thought he would support me but he said I am deppressed and I am trying to depress him too, and he doesnt want it. So I need to decide if I want to forgive him and let it go or if I want to leave.

    I am so confused. All these things made me change a lot. I am not happy anymore and I miss my family and friends. I am going to visit them this saturday. I will leave for a week. I think it will be good for me.

    I am sorry this text is too long, I just dont have nobody to talk about that.

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