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Posts posted by Ambos

  1. Ello, everyone and thanks for reading our cry for help! Lol. I am a natural born US citizen and I married my British husband in the US while he was here under the Visa Waiver Program (90 days). We want to file for him to become a legal resident, but are confused as to what forms to send off for filing. It seems I get 10 different answers everywhere I research and I just want my husband home asap. We were considering the Adjustment of Status which apparently must be filed with the I-130. Is that the correct way to go about it? If so, can he come back under his Visa-Waiver and stay past his 90 days legally as his forms are being processed? I've read in a few places that he can, but I want to be sure. We just don't want to mess up and have him locked out of the country or something, I couldn't live with that. Someone please give us some good guidance that won't get into avoidable trouble! Thank you!

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