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Posts posted by booth

  1. Fisrt of all I am very sorry about the loss of your father. If her sputum test was positive she will have to undergo 6 months of daily treatment as far as I understand before she is allowed to leave for the US. I will pray for you and your family. God Bless.

    Aloha Ke Akua

    what i mean is my father pass his interview my gfather is alive... he already pass the visa interview last sept. 5 and my mom postpobe her interview because of her sputum and now she is negative so she will be have a vaccine on nov

  2. my mother interview will be probably in november because her sputum test is positive.. how many days will be the interview after we will go to st.luke for her imunization and my father passed already for the visa interview.. but i am worried to my mom do u think she will still passed the interview i have no job but my husband have job and my cousin is our co sponsor... pls help me

  3. hello everyone, please help me to my problem last sept. 5 it is the interview of my father and he passed the visa interview and now my mother is negative to sputum test and her interview visa will be postpone and the st.luke told her that she need to call on november 7 then she need to have a vaccine and november also do u think the interview visa will after the vaccine?.... i am afraid also about what is the possible questions that the consul ask to my mother and i have no job just my husband but we have a co sponsor my cousin so do u think my mother will passed the interview because my father passed already.. do u think the questions will be the same the question that they ask my father pls do help me i need some help.

  4. my father have a visa interview my mom still sputum test for 3 days do u think it is ok that my father will do a visa interview even though my mom reschedulle his interview because eof the sputum exam... how long it will take that we will know the result of sputum test.. mostly how long did the u.s visa expired.... i ever u cannot passed the interview do u think we can still reschedulle our interview..

  5. my father have a visa interview my mom still sputum test for 3 days do u think it is ok that my father will do a visa interview even though my mom reschedulle his interview because eof the sputum exam... how long it will take that we will know the result of sputum test.. mostly how long did the u.s visa expired.... i ever u cannot passed the interview do u think we can still reschedulle our interview..

  6. im so worried to my parents pls help me my parents did their medical exam last week my father past his x ray and my mother her x ray is blurred and their interview this coming sept. 5 but my father will proceed for interview without my father because my mother schedule for sputum test this coming sept. 4 5 and 6 i am hoping that my mother can pass the sputum test and she can have her interview this coming november right now my mother go to the pulmologist doctor and the doctor said my mom have no tubercolosis i guess that blurred that the st.luke see it is a phlegm because my mother tell her doctor in our hometown that she have a phelgme taht cannot go out right now she taking her medicine and some herbals so that she can passed the sputum... how long it will take we will know the result of sputum test... my mother will call the st.luke if ever the sputum will be finish already pls help

  7. im so worried to my parents pls help me my parents did their medical exam last week my father past his x ray and my mother her x ray is blurred and their interview this coming sept. 5 but my father will proceed for interview without my father because my mother schedule for sputum test this coming sept. 4 5 and 6 i am hoping that my mother can pass the sputum test and she can have her interview this coming november right now my mother go to the pulmologist doctor and the doctor said my mom have no tubercolosis i guess that blurred that the st.luke see it is a phlegm because my mother tell her doctor in our hometown that she have a phelgme taht cannot go out right now she taking her medicine and some herbals so that she can passed the sputum... how long it will take we will know the result of sputum test... my mother will call the st.luke if ever the sputum will be finish already pls help

  8. im so worried to my parents pls help me my parents did their medical exam last week my father past his x ray and my mother her x ray is blurred and their interview this coming sept. 5 but my father will proceed for interview without my father because my mother schedule for sputum test this coming sept. 4 5 and 6 i am hoping that my mother can pass the sputum test and she can have her interview this coming november right now my mother go to the pulmologist doctor and the doctor said my mom have no tubercolosis i guess that blurred that the st.luke see it is a phlegm because my mother tell her doctor in our hometown that she have a phelgme taht cannot go out right now she taking her medicine and some herbals so that she can passed the sputum... how long it will take we will know the result of sputum test... my mother will call the st.luke if ever the sputum will be finish already pls help

  9. Hi booth, I hope this will help you a little bit. I'm also petitioning my mother fro the philippines. I submitted the form 1-30 third week of november 2011 and today May 11 I just received the NOA that it have been approved. Just like you I'm not also working so my husband will be my co-sponsor. The time frame will usually be take 8-10 months but it also depends on how quick you are to respond and submit the documents they are asking.

    hi newbie, thank you for replying on me thats nice i thought im so worried to my status that i have no work we are the same at leats my worry is gone..your parents recieve their schedule for interview already.. im petitioning my mother and my father do you think it is alright..

  10. a filipina married to an american i am a cetizen last february, i just filed a petition for my parents but a seperate envelope.. i just want to know how long it will take that i can recieve a notice and how long it will take that the petition will be done... and i have no work but my husband work only and we will used his tax soon.. and she only working as a technician but i can get a supporting document from my cousins living in oregon.. and my parents will leave different places not in our place...can you answer my question pls.. thank you

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