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Status Updates posted by Apapaia

  1. Got a case number but not an invoice number. They said they're gonna email it next week, then we can pay whatever we need to pay and then get ready for medical and interview. How are things going for you?

  2. Do you mind telling me how much is the fee and what you're getting ready for the NVC? Also they should explain everything in the letter that they send when you get approved, right?

  3. Hey good news! I got approved on the 21th! Hope the rest goes fast!

    What about you?

  4. Hi, no good news yet. I am frustrated but still no answer. I really wanted to be back home for my husband 30th birthday on 1st may but I am pretty it's gonna be another important day we'll spend apart. I'm so disappointed and hurt.

    Hope the rest of your journey goes fast, good luck

  5. Thank you very much! Hope they hurry up!

  6. Well hope it goes fast on the Cambodian side too!

    What happens right after the approval? Can you keep me updated and let me know what's gonna happen?

    Good luck!

  7. Not yet. They got the documents they asked us to send but we haven't been approved yet. What about you? Got an interview date yet?

  8. Cool! Congratulation!!

    Still waiting here :(

  9. Hey, they only want us to send the original copy or a very clear photocopy of our marriage certificate! YAY!

  10. Hey! "Good" news! They finally started processing my petition but looks like something is missing so they asked me more evidences. Looks like once you send in the missing papers, the approval is right behind the corner so I am very excited and happy! Stay strong! They're getting to your date too!

  11. Hi, nothing good happened yet. What about you?

  12. Nothing new yet. So disappointed :(

  13. Still nothing here. Looks like Vermont is delaying things. Good luck to you.

    I found this thread kinda useful


    Hope they hurry up!

  14. Hey,, still waiting here. On Monday is gonna be 5 months. Hope things go faster for you

  15. I'm still waiting. The 19th is gonna be 5 months the whole process started. On the USCIS website they say that the Vermont office takes 5 months to process everything and then send the paperwork to the consulate. I am starting to be so impatient and hope everything goes faster. I wanna go back to my husband. Hope things go fast for you too!

  16. Hey! Any good news?

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