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Posts posted by Bkaur

  1. Hello,

    I have the 10 year GC which was issued to me Jan 2011. My husband is in the US Military and we are stationed in Germany on Military orders since December 2011. I was working in Afghanistan as a contractor on a US base from 2009 to July 2011. When I received my GC through Marriage, we made a trip to the states Jan 2011 to activate my status, we were there 14 days and then I returned to work in Afghanistan as my husband was also deployed at that time.

    From August-December we were in the states, and then moved to Germany on orders.

    Now, in December I found out we are having a baby due August 2012. I would like to go home to the UK to have my daughter. I would like to go to the UK end of June and will be back in Germany end of September. My question is, will my time out of Germany be classed as being outside of the US and have an effect on my application for Naturalization?

    We are planning on getting started on the paperwork soon.

    I am a British Citizen and my Husband is American.

    Any info would be great.

    Thank you.

  2. Hello All,

    This question was posted on the British Expat site by someone else, and I just wanted to get the correct info to pass along to this person. (I've already successfully received my Green Card through Marriage)and am in the process of applying for US citenzhip :o)

    Anyway, I have used VJ myself so have read lots of posts that people had posted and answers received. Well, this question that came up on British Expat site is from a UK citizen who is planning on getting married under the VWP later this year to her US boyfriend. I remember reading that this is a big no no when it come to intent? I would like to respond to that post but wanted to make sure I had the correct info before passing it along to the lady.

    She mentions, that after they marry they would like to apply for the CR-1 visa but her partner will be deploying downrange shortly after ( he is military)

    if any of you wonderful people could give me some info that would be great, I would hate for this person to make all these plans and then get caught up in some issues with immigration ( BTW, I do not know this person, simply read her post on British Expats)

    Thanks in Advance.

  3. For military stationed in Germany, all matters like report of birth abroad, applying for the SSN of the new baby, passport for baby etc. HAVE to be done on post. NO more using the Consulate for these things for ID card holders.

    I understand that, however, I'm not having my baby in Germany. I will be travelling to the UK to have my daughter, and I will be applying for her SSN, US passport and to register her Birth at the US Embassy in London. I did some research and some help from a very helpful member on this site, and all we do is fill out the forms once my daughter is born, with the Birth certificate, all the other documents we require which we have, make a infopass appointment and everything can be taken care off at one appointment.

  4. Hello,

    Just a quick question if anyone could assist. I'm a Military spouse ( British) and Hubby is US citizen ( US Army) we are expecting out first baby in August. I will be going to the UK to give birth and then a few months later will return to Germany were we are stationed. My question is, will we be able to apply for both US & UK passports for our baby once she is born. I do believe she will automatically become a British Citizen after birth and so I can apply for her British passport, I'm just a little confused if we are able to apply for an American Passport for her also.

    Any Advice would be great. Thank you in advance.

  5. Hello All,

    I am a Military Spouse. We are currently stationed in Germany have been since December 2011. I received my Green card Jan 2011 (for 10 years based on being married for 3 years when we applied). My question is when am I eligible to apply for citizenship? I called the USCIS but to be honest was more confused after the call. I then wrote an e-mail to the USCIS office in Frankfurt who said I can file under 319b, but would have to travel to the US to be Naturalized. So does this mean we can apply for my citizenship now? I'm still confused to be honest. We will be stationed in Germany for at least 3 years. Here is the response from the USCIS office in Frankfurt -

    Unfortunately you don’t meet the requirements for section 319e yet.

    You must have been a permanent resident for at least 3 years.

    And under section 319b, you’ll have to travel to the US.


    Any information you could provide would be great.

    Many Thanks.

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