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Posts posted by SteelFaithU2

  1. I did get my 3 month visa in less than 3 days - I couldn't believe how fast it was, but I did use overnight mail there and back :P

    I was curious if you knew what forms of ID my mother should provide if she is going to be a co-sponsor? She is gathering all her required documents for the Affadavit of support, but I need to know if she needed to provide anything additional. She doesn't have a passport, so is her birth certificate and driver's license enough? Is there anything else she might need to provide?

    Thanks again everyone!

  2. My fiance's interview is October 10th, so she would have some time to do the medical exam another time before then. If she isn't feeling much better by Tuesday, it will probably be best to delay the exam.

    She's getting better rather quickly though, so we're not too worried about it now. Thanks everyone!

  3. My fiance is about to go to her medical exam, problem is she has had some kind of cold this past week and she still has some congestion in her chest and nasal passages. So will this make her unable to get the x-ray or other testing done and would they make her come back to retake the exam, or will it not interfere with the testing she needs?

    We're just wondering if she should wait to travel to Manila to do the testing, or if she can go through with it by Tuesday. Thanks in advance!

  4. Hi everyone, I was just curious if you heard how long the St.Luke's testing can potentially take? I read if they need to do a sputum test, it can take 2-3 months. What have you heard? My fiance is a RN and she had exposure to a patient with TB, but she never got it actively, although she doesn't know if it's dormant in her system. If it is dormant, what would likely happen at her exam?

    Cheers everyone!

  5. Important note: American citizens and US Legal Permanent Residents are not allowed to accompany nonimmigrant visa applicants to the interviewing area.

    I read this in the US Embassy of Manila website for the K1 interview. I'm really shocked, I thought I could accompany my fiance on her interview and it be a big bonus to be there with her!? Is this how it is for all interviews, or is this a PHI specific rule?

  6. Thanks for the help and info! I'm having trouble finding much info about getting a tourist visa here in the US with the PHI Embassy though. Some people say you need to go to their office directly to get the visa, but when I look at their website or hear their recorded info on the phone concerning the visa, it doesn't mention a requirement to come to the Embassy/Consulate for an interview.

  7. I read the guide here, http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1guide but I need to clarify some of the instructions.

    4. I-134 Affidavit of Support form. Ensure it is signed, with all required supporting evidence. Begin collecting the required information ahead of time, as it can often take several weeks to collect it all.

    5. You will likely need at a minimum (for the above form) two to three of your most recent pay stubs and a signed letter from your employer listing you job title, start date, your salary, and the status (full-time) of your position. Begin collecting these ASAP after your NOA2 arrives. You will also probably want to include other evidence such as your banking information and other assets as required by the I-134. Specifically you will need at least 2 of the 4 options mentioned in Section II-Supporting Evidence of the I-134. See this FAQ for more tips and ueful information on the Affidavit of Support Form.

    First off, why does it take several weeks just to go down to the bank to get a Bank Statement? Even the IRS sends you your Income tax records in a matter of days, so I don't know why it takes so long to prepare? Secondly, it states you need 2-4 options that are stated in the I-134; is your annual income evidence/employment records plus your bank statement satisfy the 2-4 options then?

    Is there anything not listed in that guide I should consider or know about?

  8. I don't know how I feel about carrying all that cash on me in PHI though, it is very high risk of robbery and theft - depending on where you go of course. I know how to defend myself, but I'd rather avoid problems. I'll try to carry cash on me though and deposit it in my fiance's account though.

    Do you guys know what's the best way to get a longer temporary visa to stay in the PHI? I read you cna apply for a 6 month tourist visa, but I'm not sure if it can all be done by mail, or if they will need me to travel to the closest consulate (which is NYC for me)to obtain it. That would be a hassle to have to travel all the way to NYC to get a tourist visa, but their website instructions don't mention if you have to or not?

    Thanks again!

  9. Thank you Tahoma!

    Also, any suggestions about how I should access and use money in the PHI? The first time I went, i just withdrew money from the ATM, but the fees from my bank were really high so It turned out being a really bad idea.

  10. Oh, I also wanted to ask if it's still necessary for me to get my long form birth certificate? Our NOA2 was approved, and I sent them my original birth card (with seal on the back), so I imagine it must have been a problem. I just don't want to get to the PHI and the Embassy gives me a problem about it, even if VSC approved it with our NOA2.

  11. No need to snap, he or she was just replying based on your output. Truth be told, K-1 with a co-sponsor is harder to come by than a bar of solid gold. If you can show that you are 125% of the 2012 poverty level for the past 2 years, no worries. Go on and enjoy the PI. Visit Bohol and Boracay while you are there!! If you happen to make it to Boracay, visit the Station Three Sports Bar, and tell John Barkel that Dave and Mark Bell sent ya. Might get you a free beer!

    Cheers, I appreciate the advice and the positive remarks. I'm not sure where we'll vacation right now, but I'd consider those places you mentioned; but honestly, I prefer going to places most tourists don't go to. Baguio was an exception though because I really love the climate and how everything looked there.

    I've made over the required income for some time now, and i was only making less income last year due to being in University and also going for my CNA license, so I'm sure they'd understand that. As of this year I've been making plenty of income, and that's the only evidence I see them requesting, so I don't see any proof that we're in danger of denial. Her interview should be in September or maybe October anyhow, and i'll be earning income up until late next month, so I don't see why they'd have an issue....

    Besides that, what do I need to do for the Affadavit of Support? Do both my Mom and I need to fill out separate I-134's, or do we need I-864's as well? What should I get from my mother, because I need to ask her to gather the required documents before I leave next month. Tell me if I'm right though, but we both need: I-134 (and I-864), Bank Statements, Recent pay stubs (a months worth or more), Tax Returns from 2011 + 2010, and any other substantial assets we might have?

    Thanks everyone for the help!

  12. You been working a job for 3 months, now you plan to take off work for 3 months and go to the PI and wait there until the visa is approved, and you also need a co-sponsor? Good luck with that.

    I worked at my previous job for nearly 2 years, and i only stopped working there due to my client being moved to a Nursing home due to his condition, so things just didn't work out as I'd like to in that regard because I obviously would have preferred to have that as my current job for the Affidavit of Support, but life doesn't always work as as we plan. So it's not like I only been earning income for 3 months...

    Secondly, I don't NEED a co-sponsor, I make plenty of income right now: I was only going to have a co-sponsor because I thought it would help increase the chances of approval due to my past couple years of being a student, even if our chances are fine right now it seems.

    So keep your sarcastic replies to yourself, no one on this forum needs it.

    As has been said, take everything with you that you might need (birth cert, passport, of course, divorce decrees, etc. that might be needed, or at the very least have a family member who can scan them over to you). The ONLY document that needs to be an original is the I-134, and you will be signing that yourself in the PI.

    Thanks for the info! I got my NOA2 today anyhow, so I'm not worried for an RFE now, I'll be leaving next month - very excited! Good luck to the rest of you waiting and thanks to everyone with the positive and helpful replies!

  13. I received a text message saying your case has been updated, and at this point I'm extremely nervous and excited to see what it says - I thought for sure it was an RFE - but I log on and see.... On August 16, 2012, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)!

    I still can't even believe it fully... I just woke up and I feel like I could be dreaming still! I'm just immensely thankful right now and excited.... I don't even know what to say because I was hoping and praying for this for today unlike any other day before.

    So could anyone please be kind enough to tell me what we should do now, my mind is still in shock....

    I just want to say that I'm going to pray for those who haven't been approved yet, because I know the pain is severe and the waiting is really like an agonizing torture. It seems they're processing petitions at a good rate now, so keep hoping and persevering!

  14. Nothing more to say about today than depressing.

    As for the possibility of the "Dream Act" making our visas take longer, I don't think that's the case - according to my Congressman's assistant. She told me the people filing for the "Dream Act" visas will be going through their local state immigration offices, and VSC wouldn't have anything to do with that. I think VSC moving so slowly has all to do with them just sucking in general.

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