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Brent & Lei

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Posts posted by Brent & Lei

  1. This travel agent offers the discount. http://www.santraphael.com/home.php I have not used them but will be talking to them this week. BEWARE if you book PAL thru the PAL or other website using a CC, PAL requires to see that card at the checkin counter or a photo copy of the CC used to book if the person flying has a different name than it shows on CC.

  2. I will book a direct non-stop flight for my wife on PAL to LA and pay the extra. My wife has never flown and the stress from her first flight and the stress of all the unknowns will be vastly decreased if it is a direct flight. I will drive or fly to LA to meet her. I have found that booking online is easy with any of the agencies(travelocity, priceline, ect). I will be checking into the agency giving the first flight discount. Thanks for that info. :thumbs:

  3. yes you need a passport to traval internationaly, be sure to purchase the airline tickets in the same name thats on the passport, your permanent resident card is for entery back in the united states. bring along your marriage certificate just it's in case it's needed as proof of different name. maiden name.you should be fine.safe trip


  4. You may want to watch a concerts at local bars, or you can go to subic and experience zoobic safari...

    My wife and i went to subic for part of the honeymoon and went to ocean park and zoobic safari. Loved ocean park but will never go to zoobic again. I hope to spend time in Manila next visit. Is it easy to get around? Costs of trykes?

  5. Legal Capacity to marry "walk through".

    Make appt and read following http://manila.usembassy.gov/marriage.html Need to bring Passport, any divorce or death cert. Docs and a pen. I took first available appt. time as I wanted to avoid backup that might occur thru the day. Go to the embassy gate close to the footbridge that goes over the main road there. DO NOT GET IN THE LONG LINE... go to a guard and show appointment printout and I think passport and follow directions. There's like 2 or 3 checkpoints to go thru but you should be passed thru all of them and into the building where you receive a # then proceed to the second floor. It took me 15 min to wait for my # to be called. Go to window then they send you to cashier then fill out form then back to window, then wait to be called 2nd time. Take oath and your done. Pretty painless.

    My fiance attended the family planning seminar the week before I got there. We applied for marriage the day after I got the LEG. CAP. to Marry which started the 10 day wait. We had a church wedding so I cant advise the civil side of things.

    Good luck to you both!!!!! :dance:

  6. my wife has warned them not to violate my trust and so far, no problems. the tuition is bigger money so we electronically deposit it into the school's bank account.

    one time, my wife's mother was in the hospital and i joked with my wife that i wanted pictures before sending a penny.

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  7. my wife and i are now using google+ "hangouts" :thumbs: . Her internet is just a little better than dialup :blink: and it usually works ok to video chat effectively. Her internet is Globe wireless that is mounted on the roof and costs if I remember right 1200p per month which her family shares cost. We tried skype and YM and neither of those work as good as Goog+ "Hangouts". My smart phone (forward facing cam) also has the goog+ app so when i am off at work, driving, store shopping, LOL shower :blush: .... she comes with me wherever i have 3g or 4g reception. This ability to communicate brought our relationship so much closer. :):):) and not because of the shower ..... i saw your mind working :bonk:

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