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Status Updates posted by libay

  1. check out the reviews on the upper part of this site..then click philippines..it'll show you the recent activity of the shared interviews @ the USEM..:)

  2. Blessed and will always be thankful..cheeers to our 1st year! as for now just hang in there my love..In God's perfect time i will be seeing u soon..i love u pangga:)

  3. ok..so they are requiring us to submit an RFE..more additional evidences..i guess we just need to comply since we have so much more evidences that they need..( more patience)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. libay


      yes we will..and the waiting game is not over yet..tsk tsk..tho we are still hoping that it won'take long in responding to our application...

    3. akihon


      I hope they won't take long either! good luck!

    4. libay


      thank u:) we hope so too...:)

  4. we are an april filer and still we are waiting for our noa2..it sucks but i guess that's all we have to do for now..wait...lets just keep our faith it'll come soon:)

  5. congrats to ur NOa2:)

  6. same here..i think waiting is the only thing that we could do for now...

  7. april filer of VSC..still we don't have our NOa2 yet..hoping it'll come this month..haist...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. libay


      hopefully sis..been waiting for so long...but we have no choice i think but to wait instead..lol

    3. subic_rock


      keep on hoping keep on praying girl, I know it is frustrating.. we are April filers and we got our NOA2 last 10/11 yours is coming very soon!

    4. libay


      oh reall??that's great then!yes i will..im keeping my Faith:)

  8. praying for our noa2...staying positive:)

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