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Status Updates posted by sainath

  1. you shouldn't wait that long. once you know that your file is already reached to Kolkata embassy you should download packet 3 from the that website and send it in by e-mail and called to DOS Department of State to find out that embassy received your packet 3 or not once you submit by email. (when you send packet 3 by email the file size shou ld be less than 2 mb)

  2. Approvedddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. sainath


      its give me error msg PLEASE ENTER YOUR VALID PASSPORT NO OR UID!!!!

    3. sainath


      its give me error msg PLEASE ENTER YOUR VALID PASSPORT NO OR UID!!!!

    4. Shounok


      Your fiance got the passport yet ?

  3. thanks hope everything goes in our favour!!!! good luck to you too!!!

  4. Good Luck for interview!!!!

  5. Good Luck for interview!!!!

  6. i called DOS to find out about my fiance interview date. they have all the info regarding your case status and update. although we haven't received packet 4 in mail but we got interview letter by email. good luck!

  7. i called DOS to find out about my fiance interview date. they have all the info regarding your case status and update. although we haven't received packet 4 in mail but we got interview letter by email. good luck!

  8. can you please write your interview experience with us?

  9. thanks! and best luck for our further process!!

  10. Thanks for adding me! i update my timeline. i am not so familier with VJ website.

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