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Posts posted by NorrinRadd

  1. Great help from everyone, especially Nich-Nick. Thank you.

    I'm very busy, so it seemed like having an attorney handle this would solve that problem, but in effect, it has created more work.

    I work with corporate attorneys and silly as it may sound, I wouldn't ask them for advice in personal affairs, so I took to the internet, asked for references, all seemed good, so I went with it.

    I wish I had found this site first. It is really excellent and I truly appreciate how freely and quickly you have all given help.

    Thank you!

  2. have you check his background before paying him? i hired a lawyer and i did background checks and had a businessman friend of mine do a search and we found not even one problem in over 10 years so i hired her as with my work i tend to be buzy and not want any mistakes ie rfe's

    Yes, sir. He doesn't have any black marks on his record. Candidly, he appears "competent". He's just disorganized, has terrible customer service, and is kind of a jerk.

  3. Thanks so much for the fast response, and congratulations on being "almost there"!

    I guess the big question is: At this point, what paperwork, if any, would an attorney be dealing with? If this is annoying question, I understand. In my mind, at this point, we're going to get approved (hopefully), then 1-2 weeks later be assigned a number, then we wait for the packet to arrive in London, then medicals, and then interview. Would the lawyer be involved in any of that?

  4. I'd really appreciate any advice folks can share on what value a lawyer adds at the point I am in the process.

    The government received our completed application 19 December, so we're hoping to hear within the next month that we've been approved.

    We've had three questions for the attorney in the six months since we began this process. The attorney won't answer my fiancee, ever. He takes a week or more to answer my emails or simply doesn't answer them. My fiancee and I are very organized and have been frustrated with having to send the same forms to the attorney multiple times. The last question we sent was not answered and I sent him an email noting that I was frustrated. I was very nice, despite my aggravation. He replied three days later that he was offended that I questioned his performance.

    I can't deal with people like this, and I am used to dealing with professional attorneys in my daily life who excel at what they do.

    My question is simple:

    I've paid this guy and, ostensibly, he has executed the paperwork correctly.

    Do I need him anymore? In other words, do I need to suck it up and pretend I like him until this is done, or can I sever ties now?

    Sub-question: Once my fiancee is here and we are married, do you recommend an attorney for the green card process or should we file the paperwork ourselves?

    Other Details: She is from the UK and will be bringing a child.

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