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Posts posted by mona81

  1. thank you every one for your ideas and support! As of right now I have not pressed charges. in my state the statute to press charges on DV is 4 hours with in the physical abuse. so sadly i can not unless he violates the dvpo and he isnt stupid, he knows a run in with law enforcement would be bad.

    Thank you for the idea of alanon. I have been thinking about it.

    I will set an INFOPASS appointment and take a copy of all the court documents. I will keep you all posted. Thanks again :)

    <3 Mona

  2. Call me crazy but I have seen this post previously on VJ. Right when she said that he hit her with her child in her arms I knew I had read it somewhere else. :thumbs:

    never posted about this before. i posted back in 2007-2008 under a different name when we were going through the process of getting him here. But this topic was just started today. only talked about it on my facebook page with my friends last week. so unless you know one of my friends and they are blabbing... then you have not heard this from me before.

  3. Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear what youou have gone through. That sounds like such a heart breaking ordeal for you and your family.

    I think you have done quite a bit in order to protect your family from him. May I ask if he had an alcohol problem before he left Morocco? Did he even drink prior to entering the states? It sounds to me that the complete change of scenery has perhaps messed with his head and he must be struggling.

    As for what else you could do, well it depends on how far you want to go. If you want no more contact with him then I would advise completely moving everything to a different location leaving no record of where you are moving to. That is if you want all ties cut.

    Good luck and best wishes

    You know I am not sure. I know I saw him drink one time in the 2 years we talked on line and that was because he was at a wedding. But he told me he didnt drunk very often. Now he says he came to the cyber cafe drunk every day. So I honestly do not know what to believe from him. I am going to be petitioning the court to allow me to move but because we are married and have a child, for the time being I still have to stay in the home until the divorce is complete... then hopefully I will be allowed to leave.

  4. Okay, so here is a short description of the issue, and I will follow it up with what I have already done... and then you guys can hopefully tell me what else I need to do.

    My husband is from Morocco. Getting him here was really easy. Once he was here he started drinking and when drunk physically abusive. He says he doesn't remember being abusive and agreed to stop drinking. Every time we come close to an immigration process he straightens up and becomes a wonderful husband. But right after starts drinking again and becomes abusive. We just had the most beautiful baby girl in November and he has physically assaulted me several times since.

    In February of this year we both signed the i751 petition to lift conditions. That day he got drunk and assaulted me while holding my daughter. He has been verbally, and emotionally abusive every since. He is now out of the house... so please do not worry.

    Here is what I have done:

    * Filed a Domestic Violence Protection order. He has been removed from the home and is to have no contact with me or my children (this includes the baby we just had)

    * I wrote a letter to USCIS requesting my name be removed from the petition, his visa and as his sponsor, and attached a copy of the DVPO to the letter.

    * I filed an application with the Passport Issuance Alert Program for children so he can not get her a passport and attached a copy of the DVPO to that with wording "law enforcement shall use any and all means necessary to keep said child in the United States".

    * Have secured an Attorney and just filed for a Dissolution of Marriage which requests him to get 52 weeks of DV treatment, 35 weeks of drug and alcohol treatment and parenting classes. Once finished he would get 2 hrs once a week supervised visits. He also will have to pay child support and 1/2 of daycare.

    So that is the back ground, and what I have done. Here is my question. WHAT ELSE do I need to do? He has had his biometrics appointment, but does not have his 10 year card yet nor has he had an interview. His behavior in the weeks leading up to the protection order was bizarre and he was planning a vacation back to Morocco in June/July. I have no idea if he is planning on coming back or not.

    So, what else should I do? What would happen to him immigration wise based on what he has done to me and my children?

    Thanks for QUICK responses. *Please know that I love my husband and tried for 3 years to make it work. I begged him to get help and he had every opportunity to change and he chose to throw us away as I warned him I would do this for over a year.

    Thanks :)


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