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Jana / Robert

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Status Updates posted by Jana / Robert

  1. OMG !!!! NVC taking foreverrrrr

  2. When I ask for expedite in USCIS less the one week i got my NOA2.

  3. Gracias , and good luck for you too!

  4. No, my fiance is military member, and we use hes deployment for a reason.

  5. Did you have the "snail-mail" to send to me? Please?

  6. Hi, what you have to send to the embassy?

  7. woow got it, I'm going to do that!!!

    Muchas gracias mami!!!

  8. Yes, I call and they say I still have to wait for my process get in the system!

    "proof instead of snail-mailing it"what is tha?

  9. Thank you very much for the help!!!!

  10. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, waiting, waiting,.........waiting!!!!!!!

  11. holla, how you expedite at NVC? I need help on that.

  12. Come on NVC, hurry up!!!!

  13. Thank you all!!!

    And yes I did ask for expedite.We have a daughter together,and that help us move fast.

  14. OMG!!! Got my NAO2 todayyyyyy!!!!!

    I'm soooo happy, thak you GOD!!!!

  15. Thank you very much!!! I'll ;-)

  16. Hello, I want to send the expedite too, can you tell me how you did? Thanks!!

  17. oww, got it!!!

    Thank you very much!!!

  18. Hi, what do you mean "03/23/12-put in Another service request;"???Thanks

  19. Good job!!!! wowww


  20. hi, how did you get your NOA2 so fast? just 58 days? wow

  21. Helo, did you know why you get the NAO2 so fast? I am very nervous about mine.

  22. Hi, I cannot see the txt you send to me.

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