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Posts posted by rarasantiago

  1. So she and I were talking yesterday and I am very very bad at googling things and never finding proper websites so I'm curious is there any way I can stay in Denmark longer then 3 months in a row? I don't want to move there but I was wanting to find a way to stay at least 5-6 months in a row. So is it in any way possible?

    Check here: http://www.nyidanmark.dk/en-us/coming_to_dk/visa/extension.htm

    Also, review other sections on that site, such as Studies, Interns, etc., to see what other options you have.

    See the Entry/Exit Requirements for US Citizens, might have useful info about attending school length of stay: here:http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1100.html

  2. Raheelp, have you seen these threads? :

    Does my police record need to be translated?


    Self translate?


    Looks like you don't need to translate but you can do it yourself. You can always call the NVC and also contact the IV unit in Stockholm because they process three different countries/languages.

  3. Thank you Ippsy Pippsy :)

    Yes I am a legal American citizen. Born and raised and so was my whole family that I know of :)

    She's from Denmark and we had met online. We do want to get married so we were looking into what states marry same-sex couples. But if we have to do it in Denmark then I guess that's not an issue. We will want to stay living in West Virginia as all of my family and friends are here. Her parents are in Denmark but they understand that I am not available to move to a different country and they are willing to come here to visit her if we get approved and all.

    All of this is so confusing and I never in a million years thought I would be with someone from across the world!

    US Federal law doesn't currently recognize same-sex marriages, so you won't be able to apply for either a K1 of CR1 visa. It could change later this year, here's some detailed information: http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/question-green-card-sponsor-partner-28055.html

  4. As aws&ndd said, read, re-read and re-re-read the Guides linked at the top of the site. Each case's individual situation is different, so some may have had an easy process while other have had a tough process, you don't know the specifics of their cases. The best you can do is again, read the guides, start getting all your paperwork in order, post questions that you have, and start the process.

    Also, if you have specific regional questions you can post here: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/185-scandinavians/

    Good luck!

  5. Last year the Danish government said they'd support dual citizenship and it would be looked at this past Fall, but it got delayed and is supposed to be considered by the government this year. It's come up before in the past, but last year when I was there it seems like this time it might actually go through.

  6. I got my green card in the mail yesterday. ^_^


    Hey all! Us who entered on cr1, is it 3 years before we can become citizens? Or is it 3 years after we remove our conditional thingy?

    It's three years from the date your entered on the CR1. You can submit paperwork starting 90 days before the three year mark

    Naturalization for Spouses of U.S. Citizens page:


    Thread with similar question:


  7. A question for you guys. I really want to be able to watch the Swedish tv channels play versions on the internet. I keep getting a message that I'm in the wrong region (like I got in Sweden for American stuff) but a friend of mine who lives in Minnesota does not have that problem and doesn't think she has changed any setting anywhere or anything like that.

    Any of you have a solution for me?

    Like Nola said, you'll need to go through a proxy to change/make the website you want to access think you're accessing it through an ip address for the country in question. There are lots out there either for free (which generally have some sort of advertising linked on the pages and can slow down viewing) or paid services (without advertising). To access Swedish pages need to find one that allows you to pick a Swedish ip address (or any other country you're interested in). A good place to find proxy reviews is on cnet.com.

    On a side note, you'll notice a difference in available content when you change the country ip because of licensing issues. For example, Netflix will have different movies/shows available in its US portal than in the Denmark (or Sweden) one.

  8. We're here!!! YAY!! I guess I don't need to mention to anyone here that the flight was way too long. It took me about 45 minutes to get through immigration. All they asked was how long we've been married and then why we hadnt moved here sooner. Since he spent 20 minutes looking through my paperwork before calling me up you'd think he had noticed that I had a greencard previously, but oh well.

    It's 21 degrees celsius and sunny. I'm happy ;) Second interview or whatever it is coming up tomorrow morning, so time to get nervous about that!

    Congratulations :dance:

  9. A heads up to all of of you, when its time for aos we must fill out the dates we have been outside of the us. So if you guys like me travel abroad once in a while be sure to write down all the dates exactly. I've heard that they are quite ####### about this...

    Thanks for the heads up Alaska, I've read about that too and have put visa poe green card in our google calendar for easier keyword searching in two years.

  10. Spent two weeks in Vancouver, while there we drove down to Seattle for a few days. We flew out of Vancouver to Portland yesterday, so we crossed borders four times during the trip. There were no issues, only odd thing was that the Canadians wanted to see my husband's green card both for leaving and entering when we drove across. When we flew back the US officer was nice and did what felt like a mini-embassy interview:

    How long have you been married?

    How did you meet?

    Do you (my husband) speak Spanish (we met in Spain)?

    When did you arrive in the US?

    When do you plan on becoming a US citizen?

    Wonder if they'll continue to ask these in the future or if it's because of border crossing soon after getting his green card.

    Hope everyone had a great holiday and the new year is starting well!

  11. When my parents go on vacation the last thing they want is to eat kjøttboller and fiskekaker.

    My husband's the same usually, but we're on our first post-visa international trip visiting my brother in Canada and were looking for Danish food but can't find any here in Vancouver, actually not any Scandanavian restaurants either, seems like Seattle is our best bet.

    Plane leaves in 11 hours and 30ish minutes.

    Arrival: T-minus 24 hours and 35 minutes.

    That is all.

    Have a safe flight and great reunion with your wife!

    Borkie is on a jetplane. I have my first day of work tomorrow. Ending the year if dread 2012 with a bang. May you all have a merry xmas, and I hope 2013 brings much joy to all you fellow Scandinavians and Scandinavian lovers!

    First day work day on Christmas! Hope it's not a long day :)

    Good luck izola :)

    Glædelig jul alle!

  12. Mmmm lakrits. I have always travelled back and forth to the US with loads of lösviktsgodis in my bags. This time I expect I'll have a bunch for myself plus the biggest bag of Turkisk peppar I can find for my former manager that we'll be staying with to begin with.

    I'm gearing up to go to Stockholm now myself. Have the interview tomorrow morning at 8:30 so we pretty much have to leave today and stay at a hotell, unless we want to leave home around 4 tomorrow morning... Oh well, atleast I'll be spending the night at Villa Källhagen within walking distance of the embassy. After the confused email conversations I've had with them, where they requested an ORIGINAL copy of my divorce decree in English (pretty darn impossible to get an original in English of a 10 year old decree) I'm expecting the worst, heh.

    Wish me luck! (I feel like I might need it)

    Good luck tomorrow!

  13. Even if it's not in a factory-packaged bag?

    Shouldn't be a problem. I've brought licorice in a paper bag from the pick yourself candy section in the Danish stores. Bring them in a zip lock bag or airtight container otherwise they will get stale, that happened to me the first time I came back with some. My husband brought me 1 kilo of licorice fudge (the only Scandinavian kind I can eat because the regular salty is way to strong for me with all the ammonia) for a birthday present. He didn't bring any salty/ammonia licorice for himself, but we did find some Finnish salty licorice at World Market/Costplus the other day.

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