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Posts posted by Katovasiya

  1. The right answer is the truth. Any lie will get you banned from the US forever for lying, called misrepresentation. There is no secret formula, just answer the questions and tell the truth.

    I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood me. I didn't mean I was going to lie. Last year I was thinking of trying again, so I came to this site. When hearing about my answer to why Im coming to the us (visit friends and practice English) someone had told me that I had lost it because I had said to practice English. I was wondering which ways the consulate is looking for me to answer the question.

  2. I am a Russian female that will be heading to my visa interview on Wednesday. I am hoping to spend about one month in the US in June. Unfortunately, I applied last year and was rejected based on lack of ties to my home country. I have been at my job much longer now (a year and 7 months instead of just seven months) and have been promoted twice since my employment has started. I am just very worried that I wont get the visa again. How did you answer the questions? I know there are probably no "right" answers, but I'm sure there are wrong ones. I really truly have dreamed of visiting the US since I was a child. If you can help me at all, I'd truly appreciate it.

  3. so now all of a sudden your elderly parents can do without you for a year (or more) as an au pair??? how is that possible? Why would you suddenly change your proposed visit (lengthen it) just to gain access to the US? something is now very wrong with this picture...and I take back my initial assumption that you had no other motive in your quest for a tourist visa...but now...'engaged'....what does that mean LEGALLY in Russia? Zippo...nada....nothing....if you don't wind up marrying your alleged fiance, is the KGB going to come to your house and arrest you? (no)...yet you now want to leave said fiancee and change diapers for a year.....hmmmmmm....

    realistically, she cannot....one cannot legitimately change short term employment to long term without committing fraud...

    I read that you can be an Au Pare for three months, and I was just hoping to spend the summer there. My Fiance would watch over my parents until I returned. I haven't had much time to travel in my life. I've only ever been to the UK for a week, and spent a few weeks during a summer in Ukraine with my relatives. The only motive for a visa is to travel and experience the world.

  4. I am a 21 year old female from St. Petersburg, Russia.I went to the embassy and the man seemed so nice, but then I was denied for having a lack of ties to my country. However, I don't understand what else I may have! I was going for 2 months to visit a friend whom had traveled to my country a couple years earlier. I own half of an apartment, have had my job for 8 months, have 125,000 rubles in my bank account, plan on continuing education in the fall (I have 2 more years of school), and am engaged. To top it off is my parents are old and I am the only child to take care of them. Here are the questions they asked me and my answers:

    What is the purpose of visit? Visiting a friend

    How long have you known her and did you meet here? I have known her for almost three years and we met here.

    He then asked for my traveling passport and when he saw a previous visa to the UK, he inquired about it. I replied "I went to London to stay with my mother's friend. I would like to go to America as well to help with my English."

    He asked what my company did, I replied that it was a crewing agency.

    He asked how long I worked there, I said I started September first.

    I then also mentioned that I am a student, but have taken a gap year. He asked how long I have left and I told hi 2 years and then one for my Magistrate.

    Then he asked the name of the school, which I told him.

    He then told me to wait, and then left. He returned with a document of refusal for my visa and said "Im sorry, but at the moment we cannot give you a visa." He tried to comfort me by saying that many young girls don't receive visas and that SOME day I may get one. He then said that I couldn't prove my my ties were strong enough and then the interview was over.

    Can someone help me out? I don't know what went wrong! I'm hoping to be in the US around the 6th of June.

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