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RR in NH

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Status Updates posted by RR in NH

  1. Hi dear, It's nice to know about you. I already did my biometrics and I got my EAD I'm looking for a part time job and I'm studying English. I hope you are very happy with your love. I will study some english for engineers at home in order to get a job in engineering, I love my career and I really want to go back to work soon. I live in Husdon, NH, not far from MA. Where do you live...

  2. Ahora Green Card y permiso de trabajo, ya quiero volver a la ingenieria :((

  3. so package from the embassy wasn't looking fine, stamps were misaligned, please girls pay attemtion to your envelops because USCIS told us it would be a reason to be sent back to Costa Rica if the officer at the airport get a package in that condition

  4. VISA APPROVED!!! WE ARE SUPER HAPPY :DDD Thanks to you all to be with us in this journey!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chiquitavaliente


      When will you pick up your visa? did you already? I'm wondering how long ppl are having to wait.

    3. Erika e Claudio

      Erika e Claudio

      ebaaaaa congrats for you...thanks God this finish lol...now just go to see you fiancee...good luck kisses

    4. SH&E


      Felicidades Rach :)


    1. Erika e Claudio

      Erika e Claudio

      yeahhh hapy for you, it's finish....good luck and soon you wil be with you true love..congrats and keep posted :)

    2. SH&E


      Rach muchisima suerte que Dios te bendiga

    3. chiquitavaliente


      You must be there right now! good luck! You've got this! Buena Suerte!

  6. Asi es en un par de días más estaremos celebrando Dios mediante.

    Les deseo muchos exitos en su entrevista.

  7. Asi es en un par de días más estaremos celebrando Dios mediante.

    Les deseo muchos exitos en su entrevista.

  8. JOHA!!! no vas a creer... hoy llame a la embajada y sabes me dieron cita para el 14 de JUNIO!! tenemos cita el mismo dia!!!!! Desde ahora te deseo lo mejor para ese dia. Abrazos desde Costa Rica

  9. Interview: June 14th!!!!! :D super happy

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RR in NH

      RR in NH

      Si viste que casulaidad!! El mismo dia :D

    3. Matocha


      We're close babe! I can't wait to see you. :*

    4. Erika e Claudio

      Erika e Claudio

      thanks good lock for you too your interview its very close...

  10. Got X ray, blood test and everything is fine, I'm ready to the interview I still don't understand why they didn0t give me the day for our interview

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chiquitavaliente


      call them and double check.

    3. RR in NH

      RR in NH

      well yes that's whatmy check list says, now I have all that my checklist asked and now I have to call them but today is Wednesday,,, I'll have to wait until tomorrow so they can schedule my interview

    4. RR in NH

      RR in NH

      I also got copies of my BF papers the originals he is going to present them when he comes to the interview with me. But I got all the copies

  11. Muchas gracias por tu ayuda, estaba al borde del estres pensado que tenia que pagar traduccion oficial a algun traductor de la casa amarilla!! :D


  12. I'm super confussed I didn't know I had to translate all the documents :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chiquitavaliente


      I spoke to a woman at the embassy the police cert. does need to be translated. But it can be done by someone who is fluent in both languages, like yourself. I am going to do it for my husband's cert. The civil documents... like your birth cert. also needs to be translated. Since we did IR-1 we already submitted that to the NVC and it was translated by a law student who has been helping us. So yes, to your question, but not an "official translation" from what I understand.

    3. RR in NH

      RR in NH

      ah ok, thanks, I read some competent translation, but I didn't know If I had to take all the documents to La casa amarilla" I read some people did that. I want to have all the documments as soon as possible so I can call the embassy and get the interview, I don't know if they will give me a date soon or not :( stress is killing me.

    4. ticavms


      It is not necessary to take your documents to the casa amarilla. I did that, and it was a waste of money.

  13. Hola, tengo una pregunta tal vez puedas ayudarme. Tengo pronto la entrevista y me pidieron documentos oficiales, como el certificado de solterìa la constancia de nacimeinto (del registro civil) y tambien el record policial del OIJ. Tengo que pagar a traducir al ingles estos documentos?

  14. Just one question, Do you know if I have to translate the documents I get from Civil Register and Police record? I'm confused :/

  15. ok now it's time to go forall the papers I need to prove I'm a decent citizen and I am 100% in love with Ryan

    1. Erika e Claudio

      Erika e Claudio

      do you know the date? or still waiting? i dont unterstend this...

    2. RR in NH

      RR in NH

      Well they gave me a check list with all the papers, and they said when I had all of them I had to call them and tell them I was ready so they were going to give me the date for our interview

    3. SH&E


      in my case I have almost everything except for the ones my fiancé is bringing form the US :)

  16. Hola Hola :D

    Ayer fui a la embajada a traer los documentos (el checklist) espero poder pronto tener todos los documentos y llamar a la embajada para que me den la cita.

  17. Packet is in Costa Rica!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I hope embassy calls me next week... or today, why not? ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. johanaospina


      te dieron fecha para la emabajada???

    3. RR in NH

      RR in NH

      no, aun no :(

      tengo que recoger todos los documentos llamarles y me daran la fecha, aun asi, estamos muy cerca :D

    4. Erika e Claudio

      Erika e Claudio

      oh my friend whats a great news....happy for you..soon you will be your interview date, and then be with your love...congrats...tell me when you know bye

  18. Ojala ya pronto, cuando se esta mas cerca de la fecha es cuando se siente que los dias se hacen maaaas largos :( pero me alegro muchisimo que tu caso vaya caminando y que ya la fecha de tu entrevista esta fija. En DOS le dijeron a mi novio que ya el paquete fue enviado el 10 de mayo espero que esta semana o inicios de la proxima tenga alguna noticias... mientras tanto seguire contando dias ;-)

  19. Hola Joha, lamentablemente no. Solamante se que enviaron el paquete el 10 de mayo, asi que estamos a la espera que lo reciban. Los días se me han hecho eternos, espero recibir noticias a final de esta semana o inicios de la proxima :D Hay que mantener el optimismo ;)

  20. we got the number from NVC and they already sent the package to San Jose, now we are super close to get the call from the Embassy YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SH&E


      Que alegria ya te falta menos

    3. Erika e Claudio

      Erika e Claudio

      where is your interview date? dont you call there yet?its time!! i anxious for you lol

    4. RR in NH

      RR in NH

      hehehehe awww dear Erika, my fiance called and they said we will get soon the call from the embassy but you know how this is, it takes time when u want everything moving super fast :P well I suppouse we must be patient :/ hugs from Costa Rica for you.

  21. I got my new passport today... I'm getting ready for the interview :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Erika e Claudio

      Erika e Claudio

      hi dear how is going? still waiting? me too, i hope get the new number soon i cant wait more, oh God...

    3. RR in NH

      RR in NH

      Erika I'm super happy!!!

    4. Erika e Claudio

      Erika e Claudio

      yeahh and me too...very happy for you

  22. Hola, I wish you get NOA2 soon, good luck in this long process. Chears up, you will be with your beloved soon. Regards from Costa Rica

  23. I feel time runs super slow after NOA2, although I know we are closer everyday it seems ages.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Erika e Claudio

      Erika e Claudio

      sent a e-mail to nvcInquiry@state.gov and you can call too, i sent my e-mail monday 05-07 and my NOA 2 was friday 05-04...i dont have answer good luck dear...if you need i here bye

    3. RR in NH

      RR in NH

      We haven't called NVC or contact them, I know this is normal but I think everybody knows here how difficult can be waiting for so long :( once we got NO2 I wanted to get the call from the embassy next day hehehehe I know it would be ridiculous but I so anxious :/

    4. Erika e Claudio

      Erika e Claudio

      i know what is this but you can call for them too is (603) 334-0700 i very anxious too, but we will have the date of our interview soon ...i hope so, i know here in brazil we have to wait for 15 days for the NVC number and more 5 days for interview date...oww my :/

  24. Counting and Counting Days, to get a call from the embassy

  25. thank you all for your nice comments

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