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Posts posted by Fishin247365

  1. The interview was very quick like maybe 10 minutes. Basic questions asked involved verification of dates birthdays anniversary dates moving dates thing such is that. Asked her about a trip she was on that she had some re entry trouble with.

    She also had a very detailed statement Spanning in detail the length of their relationship. When you go for the interview make sure that your dress professionally and

  2. Wow what an experience! My girlfriend has successfully gone through the I-751 removal of conditional residency status (with waiver due to a divorce) with much ease and success thanks to the great information on this forum and help from various members specifically Sandranj. Myself personally having never been exposed to anything regarding the immigration process, I can say the hoops and hurdles that must be conquered was an eye opener. To say immigration reform is needed is an understatement.

    My now girlfriend was visiting family here in the states, as she did every summer, when she met her husband. She ultimately decided to not go back and obtain her masters degree at the university as she was certain she had found the type of person to share her future with. She soon found the true colors of her now ex husband as he lied about his income, misleading about his goals in the future, verbally abusive, and unfaithful. With all of this happening within the first 14 months of the relationship she was lost on what to do. She had put off going back home and continuing her education to be a wife. No one deserves this kind of treatment so she filed for divorce in June 2012. The divorce was finalized October 2012. As soon as we received the divorce decree I helped her file the I-751 waiver application. (You must file I-751 right away after divorce is final) We sent our packet of info to USCIS in California December 5, 2012. We received the extension letter first of January 2013. Having such a short marriage and time together, we were concerned about the lack of evidence (more on that below). However, we never received an RFE. We received a notice to appear for an interview on March 8th, in first part of February. The interview took a total of 10 minutes. 10 green card on the way!

    Here is the evidence we submitted:

    Lease with both names

    2011 tax transcript

    some mail showing both names

    5 affidavits (1 from her ex stating he didn't oppose her staying in the US, 1 from her brother in law, 3 from mutual friends detailing time they spent with them both)

    Joint checking account statements (just a few spanning the period of marriage) (she had issues at the first of the marriage with getting original green card (lost in mail) and consequently social security card causing delays in starting work and didn't have but a few months of financial co mingling)

    Detailed statement of my girlfriend, detailing the relationship

    12 pictures from throughout their marriage

    A separate checking account with her USC husband listed as beneficiary

    We are so happy that we found VISAJOURNEY and had so much help in answering our questions. Sandranj thank you so much for the help and advice you provided while preparing. We are so happy to move on with our lives together having this behind us now. We pray and wish a speedy and successful process for all those going through this process.

  3. My friend will be filing for ROC on a waiver due to divorce. I searched the forums looking for anyone whom has shared IO actual questions from their interview. I was unable to find any. If anyone has any examples of questions they were asked when filing their I-751 after divorce, and by themselves, would you message me or share them on this post?

    Her divorce will be final in 60 days and she will be filing I-751 with waiver, and wants to be prepared for possible questions during the interview.

  4. I am back with more information after previous help from the forums. I have reviewed my friends info and want to share it and see what additional advice you can offer!

    She is conditional resident until may 2013. Her husband and her are preparing to divorce. He is willing to write a statement about the validity of the marriage. Should he also state the reasons for the divorce and a statement stating he recommends her roc?

    At this time she has a I-90 in process as her card was lost. She still lives at her and her husbands house. He has moved recently and found another woman. Should she wait to get her resident card before moving herself? And if she moves before divorce is final is their anything she needs to file for change in address?

    She works now two jobs, is enrolling in college, and her only blood relatives live in us. Should she have her sister write a letter verifying marriage and include importance of having her sister clothes with her and her nieces?

    Other evidence:

    Joint lease - utilities inlcuded noted on lease

    2011 tax return showing same address for both

    statements from four others about legitimacy of marriage

    joint bank account showing activity and husband as benificiary

    A seperate bank account with her husband listed as benificiary

    life insurance policy with him listed as benificiary

    And 3 photos

    Should she list specifics for reason marriage disolved on her cover letter?

    They were only married for 16 months so far but are now separated. How should document changing benificiary info on accounts, life ins, closure of joint account. So she will be filing I-751 with waiver and by herself other than her husbands letter. Is she overlooking anything?

  5. I feel I have such a unique question i wasn't sure which is the correct forum to post in. My girlfriend is still married and has conditional residency status. She is seperated from her husband who petitioned for her. She will be filing for divorce in next month or so, then filing I-751. Her current passport and visa show her maiden name, yet she took his last name and her SS card reflects this. Also she is waiting for her green card to be sent again as it was lost in route in the mail. She has the I-551 stamp valid thru 9-2012

    Question I have is we just returned from a cruise to bahamas. She was traveling under her maiden name as it is the name on her VISA and Lithuanian passport. They questioned her briefly and then let us go as they verified she had the I-551 stamp, and understood an I-90 had been filed to get replacement residency card. When they checked the system they could see where her name is now updated to reflect her husbands last name.

    They wrote CWOP on her VISA. With all the other items going with her case, such as I-90, then divorce, then I-751 what do we need to do at this time to get her VISA updated (or is that needed until we are thru with the other stuff). Also what about the passport?

  6. kzielu

    I am not familiar with entire processes. I mentioned K-1 seeing it was for a fiance visa. We are obviously trying to ensure our future together and prevent her not getting a chance to take advantage of schooling and employment opportunities here is the US. Just trying to understand the process and what other options their are if the I-751 is denied for lack of evidence. Does it do any good to have her husband write a letter or anything testifying to the legitmacy of the marriage? I think he would but he is ready to move with new girlfriend many states away.

  7. I don't anticipate her husband causing any issues. Their marriage was entered to in good faith. They had known each other for 10 years prior to getting married. He found another woman and moved out and on with her. He doesn't hate his wife or anything he just wants to move on.

    I know situations like this happen all the time where people get married thinking its the right thing then it falls apart. WIth them being married and living together a little over 12 months there was a ton more evidence to collect when USCIS asks for RFE.

    She has marriage license


    -a few pictures not many

    -he is listed beneficiary of life ins

    -joint bank account

    -affidavits from three people testifying to their relationship

  8. My girlfriend will be filing for divorce. She is still a conditional resident status. After divorce is final she will file I-751. That gives her a year of temporary/extended residency. Can she marry during the I-751 process? And if for some reason she would be denied permanant status with I-751 can I petition for her for a K-1 visa after that and she would get conditional status again? Or if we marry during the I-751 can I petition at a later date should the I-751 be denied for some reason?

  9. My girlfriend is 18 months into her marriage so she has conditional status. She is divorcing her husband as he has moved away abandoning her months ago. After the divorce is final she will file the I-751, which gives you a year of residency at that point while it is being reviewed. Question I have is can she remarry me and I petition for her while the I-751 is still in process? This would again give her conditional residency status, but was unclear on what exactly would be the most intelligent way to go.

    1. Should we wait to remarry until the I-751 is reviewed and a decision is made?

    2. Can we go ahead and remarry while this is in process and not worry about having to petition for her?

    3. If she would be denied ROC after the I-751 is complete, could I petition for her at that point?

    Thanks so much in advance for your replies! This site has been so helpfull in answering questions and leading us into the right direction.

    God Bless

  10. I have a friend who was married in good faith, yet their marriage quickly fell apart after they moved in together. She is from Lithuania and has a conditial green card thru may of 2013. Her husband has moved on, and in with another woman. He is willing to divorce and sign whatever papers necessary so she and he and move on. What is the next step she should take in moving forward with this? File for divorce?

    She is concerned the evidence the do have for RFE is not enough. Here is list of what they did accumulate during their marriage:

    -Lease with both names (utilities were covered with rent so no utility bills with both of their names)

    -Her Life Ins policy with husband as one of the listed benificiaries.

    -Joint checking account

    -Affidavits of un biased witnesses to their marriage and relationship

    Most all pictures were destroyed in water damage to their home. The wedding pictures hard drive was ruined as well.

    They weren't together long enough to really develop a ton of evidence. She is concerned about getting deported. Any advice from anyone that has been in a similar situation?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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